Hi everyone, I’m about to do my 7th transfer tomorrow and am on 4 estrofem, 2 progesterone suppositories a day (crimine) and progesterone injections (gemstone) every other evening. With every transfer I’ve experienced a lot of leg pain. Originally I thought this might be because I had a blocked fallopian tube (discovered after transfer number 3), but the pain has continued wirh subsequent transfers. Of the six transfer so far, 4 didn’t implant (the first three we suspect because of the blocked fallopian tube and the other was a very low graded embryo with 50% abnormal), 2 ended in miscarriage at 6w4days and 8 weeks. My doctor has agreed I can potentially try intralepids this time around, but is adamant I don’t need baby aspirin or prednisolone. We’ve done all of the blood tests for NK cells and autoimmune conditions but nothing has shown up. Has anyone else experienced severe pain in their legs whilst taking fertility treatment and had a successful pregnancy? I’m worried there’s something else going on that hasn’t show up yet that links the source of the pain with the miscarriages. I’ve started taking omega 3 and caladium supplements and am actually taking baby aspirin anyway (my obstetrician has suggested I take these although my fertility doctor says I don’t need them she says they won’t cause any harm) the pain is still there. Would really welcome thoughts from you lovely ladies on here who have so much experience 🙏
Progesterone leg pain: Hi everyone, I’m... - Fertility Network UK
Progesterone leg pain

Hi. Well I do agree with the low dose soluble aspirin, my thoughts. Try some pineapple core too to help with circulation and hopefully ptrvent clotting. It might be an idea to see GP with regards to having legs scanned for DVT. Blocked Fallopian Tubes houldmt cause leg pain but excess lubrication leaking into womb, might prevent a developing embryo from implanting. Hope all does go well this time. Thinking of you. Diane
hi, have you had your clotting markers assessed? There’s a panel they can run. And Anti Cardiolipin antibodies? If raised can cause MC due to clotting.
The PAI genes 4G/5G are another test they can run for clotting.
Then blood thinning injections are needed. Heavy legs could be clotting issues especially with the extra hormones which increase the risk of this.
Fish oils and Vit E maybe helpful
Good luck
Thankyou. Yes, I’m taking omega 3. Ive had all of the immune and blood tests for clotting and two days ago had the doctor check my legs for clots nothing showing. The good news is that I tested positive on Tuesday (my clinic has me test early on 7 dpt). The HCG level was 30. Unfortunately I had to travel to South Africa (I live in Mozambique) so had my second test today and the level was only 42. They’ve asked me to test again on Saturday and I’m hoping it’s down to it being a different lab in a different country 🤞 but I did have the familiar stabbing pains for a few mins on Tuesday followed by brown discharge on Tuesday and a bit of yesterday (which I always get when I’m pregnant). I hoped this time it was from implantation but given the low HCG result today and I just feel different I think it’s another MC 😢