I’ve been spotting for 3 weeks now every day. Had a scan yesterday and baby is fine has a heartbeat etc and nurse says don’t worry. However I’ve had fertility treatments and tests for years prior (10 years ttc) and always had low progesterone. I think this is what is causing my bleeding. The nurses and my doctor say they will not give me any progesterone boosters unless I have had 1 miscarriage. This is my first pregnancy. It feels a little unfair to have to loose one first before even helping me?? And I wish the bleeding would just stop. It’s constantly brown and google says so many people have lost theirs and I’m just scared.
7 weeks spotting: I’ve been spotting... - Fertility Network UK
7 weeks spotting
Im sorry you aren’t getting much support with your bleeding. I don’t know if this helps but in my experience of miscarriage, brown spotting became red and heavy bleeding rather than staying spotting. I know some people do have brown spotting and it’s bad news because I obsessively googled it too when it was happening to me but it really isn’t everyone.
I know that this is totally stressful because I basically spotted until I was 8 weeks pregnant and then again for 2 weeks after my 12 week scan. I have had low progesterone too in blood tests and had a failed transfer because of it too but was on a hefty wack through pregnancy and still had spotting so it really can just be horrible normal. My pregnancy js now a rather noisy 10 week old.
Have they refered you to EPU and are they doing follow up scans?
Also there is a pregnancy after infertility forum that helped me as its people literally going through the same anxieties and steps. I’m not sure how to link it though.
Fingers crossed for you x
Thank you for taking the time to reply to me. Yes EPU saw me on Wednesday and said the bleeding could just be normal as they cannot see any problems on the scan and baby is fine size/heartbeat. It is just frustrating I feel like I am the only person going through the bleeding for so long (I know I am not but social media makes it feel that way!). EPU said they will scan again in 2 weeks time when I am 9 weeks. x

I felt exactly the same (I put up several similarly panicked posts on here). It’s good they following up for you at EPU. Hang in there x

Hi BambiBoo. Oh dear this is sooo scary for you. Have you been checked out for any urine infection. Make sure you drink lots of water and check your passing plenty of wee and it is clear and not smelly. You could try eating pineapple to help with blood flow and help to prevent blood clotting. If it continues, try using pessaries in the back passage in case they are irritating your cervix. Remember your scan was fine, so hold on to that. Thinking of you. Diane
I spoke with my doctor today who said that they do not offer any progestrone help this early on in pregnancy especially as it is my first one. They don't want to cause any more damage. They just told me to go back in 2 weeks for another scan. It may just be normal (I hope!!)
As Kittykat said, miscarriage bleeding usually gets worse. When I lost mine, i started spotting on the wednesday and by the following tuesday it was like a heavy period and progressed from there.
My sister, whose never had a problem getting pregnant, spotted all the way through her first pregnancy. She now has an 11 year old boy and he is completely fine.
I wish you luck.
Thank you. Yeah this has been near on 3 weeks just brown bleeding either. Never enough to fill a pad but more like the very last day of your period where you wipe and its there if that makes sense.
Have you asked the doctor, if they will at least do a blood test to see what your levels are? at least then you will now if they are low.. If they wont do it you could see if there is somewhere private local to you that you could pay and have the test done? x
I have asked and they just seem reluctant to do it. I will have to try and look private I guess!

I would maybe give them a call and say you are feeling very anxious and could you please have this blood test to give you peace of mind, x
I had brown spotting constantly for about 2-3 weeks when I was around 8 weeks. It was never enough to fill a pad but was just there when I wiped, like the end of a period! Was really anxious but baby was measuring fine and heart beat was all ok. I would have your urine checked and a swab taken just to rule out any infections. Keep positive ❤️ xxx
Exactly that. It’s worse in the mornings and almost gone by the end of the day. It’s just like a brown colour constantly. Got another scan on 27th. Just feels like forever to wait!

I was exactly the same, worse in the morning then gradually goes by the evening. I’m keeping everything crossed for you lovely xx
Hi, that’s good news all is well in the scan. There’s quite a few things that can cause the brown bleeding that absolutely don’t mean the worst but I do know how scary it can be! the placenta takes over from about 8 weeks although some clinics keep you in it a bit longer as a precaution but hopefully all continues to be well and you are nearly over that hurdle xx
You can purchase progesterone cream. Here in America it’s available on Amazon. The two brand names that I trust and suggest to my clients are Emerita and Proov. The dose they deliver is not as high as suppositories/pessaries, but it is something.
These progesterone creams were initially made for menopausal women symptoms, and they work quite well. So you know the progesterone is getting in there. Avoid other brand names as an unknown quantity of them are sketchy and unreliable in quality.
Don’t be stingy. It is suggested about a dime size cream into the palm of your hand, and then spread onto your belly, breasts, inner arms and inner thighs. A little extra won’t do any harm. You can do this twice a day until around your tenth week when the placenta should be making plenty of progesterone.
I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I had brown spotting for weeks at the same stage as you. It’s very worrisome. It turned into a bright red bleed that sent me to the EPU but, fortunately, all was still fine and the spotting eventually stopped around 8-9 weeks. EPU said they couldn’t identify a cause for the spotting or bleed but best guess is the bleed was due to an internal scan where the doctor was not very gentle. I’m now almost 15 weeks. The waiting is so tough. Hang in there and hoping you get great news again at your follow up scan. x