Wondering if anybody can offer me any assurance, I have my 6 and a half week viability scan tomorrow after my sixth (euploid) embryo transfer and I’m freaking out. I have had mild to moderate cramps and a sore tummy on and off for the last four days and I’m worried it’s a miscarriage. It feels early to have such regular cramping. My morning sickness which I have had strongly aince 5 weeks hasn’t totally gone away but has also become more intermittent as well. Is there hope? Am I being paranoid or do I need to prepare for the worst?
worried this is another miscarriage - Fertility Network UK
worried this is another miscarriage

Hi lovely,
For what it's worth I think you are possibly being (understandably) paranoid.
Cramps are super common early on, and if no bleeding then it's probably just the embryo deepening in to your uterus.
I had an mmc in May and I had sickness for 3 months after it had stopped growing, so really the symptoms mean nothing at all. Often they fluctuate as your body gets used to one hormone or another, and then they can surge again.
At the moment there is no reason to think that there is anything wrong but I know how hard it is not to worry xx
Thanks so much Millbanks, I so hope you are right. I think I’m traumatised a bit from the last one and am freaking out. Dreading the scan tomorrow. Sorry to hear yours was a mmc, that’s tough xxx
Hi dear! How was the scan next day after the post. Is everything ok?

Hi. It could be that you have a bit of an infection. Make sure you drink lots of water to make lots of clear urine, and keep up with any prescribed medication. Not long until your scan tomorrow, so hopefully all will be well, then you can move over to the pregnancy after treatment. See your GP too if the cramps persist and be wary of constipation. Thinking of you. Diane