Sadly although 3 days ago saw a heartbeat and measurements and heart super strong today I bled like never before. I rushed myself to hospital for a scan and my little bean was no longer. I hemoraged badly all over the scan table and was rushed in to an emergency d & c. Don’t really see the point as I’m sure with that about of blood and passing tissue it was gone but anyway can’t argue with doctors. Trying to stay grateful for my angels I have and trying to remind myself that everything happens for a reason though I can’t quite wrap my head around how this little miracle came without ivf from one encounter only to be cruelly taken from me just when I started imagining it all. 3 days ago it was all fantastic … how now this? Why? I can now count 7 miscarriages. Lots and lots of little souls not ready for this world. Wanted to share .. to somehow share the experiences and hardship we all go through. To remind ourselves what warriors we all are who no one outside of this craziness could ever possibly understand not even our own partners. Anyway enough said. That’s the story. Now to move on slowly but surely …
Sadly another miscarriage : Sadly... - Fertility Network UK
Sadly another miscarriage

I am so sorry to hear what you have endured today. This is truly heartbreaking. Life is so very unfair and it doesn’t always make sense. Take time to process what has happened. Be kind to yourself and when you feel ready, I hope you are able to reach out and get some support from your nearest and dearest. Take care...thinking of you x
I am so very sorry you’ve had another miscarriage , you’ve been through a very traumatic time , please take care & I hope you have support around you . Life can be very cruel & it makes us wonder how much heartbreak are we able to endure on this journey. Sending you strength your in my thoughts xx
I'm truly am so sorry for your loss.. life can be so unfair just as u stop holding your breathe n thinking okay this might be happening it gets cruelly taken away. 😔 take some time to yourself with hubby and I hope u have a great support network of family who can help you in this difficult time. Praying for a miracle for u x
I am so sorry . This is heartbreaking to readyMy one and only miscarriage broke me. You’ve had 7! Can’t begin to imagine the pain 😢
Sending love xx
Ohhh hunny! My heart goes out to you! It's devastating. I know how it feels. You're not alone! I'll be thinking of you today!
Oh darling I’m so sorry 💔 There aren’t any words, just wanted to send you a big hug and say I wish it had different this time 😥 xxx
I'm so so sorry to hear that😞 life is crap and you don't deserve it. I hope you will be able to stand up and fight one more time.......Sending you much love x
I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope you take all the time you need to heal. Sending you lots of love xx
I’m so sorry for everything you’ve gone through 💔 it really is unfair and cruel. Sending you lots of love from afar and a big hug xx
I’m so sorry xx
Oh Corchi. This is awful. The world can be so cruel. Thinking of you and your little one today, and I'm so sorry this is their/your story. Lots of love. xxx
Hunny I’m so so sorry xx
Oh Corchi no, I'm so very sorry.
Thank you so much my heart is broken but I’m trying to just spend all my time with my little ones as they give me such strength. It’s such a sad sad numb feeling though isn’t it? Doesn’t matter how many kids you have had or how many miscarriages, it’s another little soul that you bonded with and got attached and .. gone 😢 anyway thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. One day at a time ☺️
Aww I’m so sorry. Life can be so cruel sometimes xxx
So sorry to read this, take time to recover and grieve and give your children an extra squeeze tonight - they will be so pleased to have Mummy home safely xx
So sorry to read this😞❤ sending you hugs xxx
Corchi, I really feel for you. I've been there with 6 failed ivfs and 3 mc.
After my experience like yours, I went to a different clinic and insisted my 'thyroid & antibodies were both tested'. Turned out I have 'Hashimotos thyroiditus'. I was put on Levothyroxine for my TSH levels to drop, then when I finally fell pregnant again I was on daily prednisolone tablets 5mg (steroids) and blood thinning injections were very important. I now am finally blessed on our last ever attempt to have a healthy 2 year old boy. I do believe that now you can 'get pregnant' the important thing is, the quality of the eggs or in my case, anything that can prevent it continuing. It truly broke my heart laying in a hospital bed waiting to hear news I had already been told from the D&C. I was heartbroken. Please take a while to work on your health and then look for answers or insist on your own blood tests to rule things out like I had to. They laughed at me for asking for the tests, and then were so shocked they came back so high they had to cancel my transfer as it was the last one. Hugs and best wishes. It can happen xx
I am so sorry to read this, I cannot imagine how you must feel right now. I admire your strength and hope you can move forward with your plans in time. Take care of yourself.
I'm so sorry for your loss and for having to go through that traumatic experience. It's so cruel. Sending lots of hugs Xx
So sorry 😞 💔💔
I’m so sorry you went through that. Sending lots of hugs xxx
Oh Corchi... I'm so sorry. I was hoping you were into the 'safe' zone there and all would be well. How frightening for you too 😔 Glad you're OK physically. I can't imagine how it feels to have so many miscarriages 💔 You must be a very strong person. Sounds like you have a lovely family though so hug those little ones close and give yourself time to grieve for this precious one who sadly wasn't able to join your happy home. Thinking of you xx
I'm so sorry lovely, so devastating for you having to go through yet another loss. Massive
I'm so sorry to read this post, keep being strong. Love and light your way