Hi all, I am doing a natural frozen embryo transfer cycle and have been asked to share my LH surge with the clinic so they can schedule the transfer. Sometimes they use the term 'surge' and sometimes they say 'LH positive' and that the result needs to be yes/no. This wasn't explained before, I did two different tests but neither of them use this language! If it is when LH starts to rise that (which is what the Clearblue test measures) then the 'surge' was Sunday, and if it is the peak/when the two lines on the LH strip are the same colour then it was Monday. This will determine when the transfer is and I don't want to get the timing wrong! Does anyone have advice/experience to share?? I'm stressing a bit so all advice very greatly appreciated!
Panicking to ID LH 'surge' and 'LH po... - Fertility Network UK
Panicking to ID LH 'surge' and 'LH positive' - what do they mean?

Hello, you’re best checking with your clinic but for me it was using a Clearblue digital test when I had the static smiley face rather than the flashing smiley face if that’s helpful. Good luck with your transfer, sending positive wishes🤞🏽 x
Thank you. Maybe I should have kept it simple, when the Clearblue was the static smiley face the strip test was still very low, so the two results were contradictory! Clinic have not been very helpful - they just keep saying 'surge' which is ambiguous, they seem mostly keen to not take any responsibility. Thanks though, it's good to know that the Clearblue alone was fine for your clinic!
My clinic told me to use the pink Clearblue ovulation kit and I’ve to call them when I get my static smile and they will then book my transfer. I’m hoping to have my natural FET with this cycle. I would ask your clinic for further clarification. Good luck x
I was also asked to use Clear Blue smiley face test. For my own interest/sanity, I also did a cheaper basic test alongside and this picked up raiser LH levels a lot earlier, but my clinic was clear with me that they wanted that Clear Blue “peak” (static face) as a definitive marker rather than guessing at the amount of colour/dye on a basic test which I guess is more open to interpretation.
I was the same as others static smiley on clear lie for me too on natural frozen round! Good luck xx
Check with clinic, they'll advise. You definitely will mit be the first to have asked!
My modified natural transfer was the one that worked for me - good luck!!!!!