My clinic have agreed to do a natural cycle with my August period 😀 . Got my period on Wednesday 31st of August . Had a baseline scan last Friday and have been in for bloods to be taken every morning since Sunday . Just waiting for the LH surge and then my transfer will be booked. Did any of you who have gone for a natural cycle still use progesterone pessaries before or after transfer ?Â
***update natural thaw cycle *** - Fertility Network UK
***update natural thaw cycle ***

sorry got my period Wednesday the 24th of august had my baseline scan the 26th and blood work started on day 10 of my cycle Friday the 2nd September
yes I did - after transfer I think for a couple of weeks. It was otherwise natural and I got a BFP.

Check with your clinic - if your progesterone is low, they may suggest starting pessaries.Good luck with your treatment
I’m in the tww of a natural cycle with progesterone pessaries and injections (somewhat at my insistence). I don’t think it is that uncommon.
Hi thanks for your reply. Was yours a completely natural cycle ? When did you begin taking the pessaries ? After transfer ? Are the injections also progesterone ? Did your clinic check your progesterone levels ? Mines have never done this but I think I will ask. I have had one successful fresh transfer which resulted in my little boy and I had 5 frozen, 1 chemical and 2 BFN all transfers were artificial down regulated , just want to try something different with this one and have went the natural route. I really hope this is the one for you. My transfer has been scheduled for Saturday my 35th birthday maybe it’s a good sign 🤞
Good luck, my test day is the day after my birthday but I think we might not test until a few days after as we will be away. I’m so scared to test I have had 2 BFN one fresh transfer and one frozen from my first cycle. I really hope this is it, but it feels impossible.
To answer your questions: yes they tested my progesterone the day of transfer. Yes both pessaries and injections are progesterone (lubion injections). I am also using inhixa blood thinning injections hence the sore belly.
I started progesterone the day after they confirmed my ovulation. Both the pessaries and the injections, then transfer was 5 days after ovulation and I’m on them both until a negative or positive test.
I ovulated on my own no meds until after ovulation was confirmed. I was on Provera prior but that was because of a cyst found the cycle before.
I did 3 times. First time progesterone was started after transfer. Second and third time it was started the day of ovulation. One time I used pregnyl to trigger ovulation so it was a modified natural). The other ones it was a natural lh surge.
thanks for your reply , were you successful with any of your transfers ? Think I might just use the pessaries for piece of mind
Well they told me that using the pessaries increases chances of implantation. But they were checking my blood every certain times and when they detected that the placenta was taking over progesterone production (replacing the ovaries) they told me to stop (7th week) I had some bleeding as my progesterone dipped, but all was ok. My third natural FET worked. I had had other 2 before (artificial ones) that failled and the estrogens made me feel awful. So I had 5 in total. If you use pessaries, inform your clinic so that they tell you when to stop them safely.
congrats on your success! I’m hoping that the natural cycle will make the difference for me. I’ve had a fresh transfer and a medicated transfer and this stims cycle all the estrogen resulted in a polyp. I’ve also had a cyst appear after both stim cycles. So my assumption is that my body does not like the high levels of estrogen and it does more harm than good. I also bled 6 days past transfer with my fresh transfer and that is why we are using the progesterone.
i have PCOS so my progesterone is low and the estrogens are high. In the artificial cycle, the progesterone was still too low. With the natural one with extra progesterone my levels were awesome. I hope it works for you, for me it took a while, but it made all the difference. I felt a lot better too. And even the first times that it did not work, my period was less painful.
Thank you! I don’t officially have PCOS but it runs in my family. I have a high AFC but lower end AMH. Still got a good number of follicles at retrieval like 30th but 18 eggs treieved. I’ve wondered for a while about too high estrogen. So I’m hoping that the natural cycle and progesterone works for me. I insisted on pessaries and injections and my level im transfer day was 98 and they like 80. To me, it seems like if I didn’t need extra progesterone that number would have been much higher, so potentially we are on the right track.