So I'm on my first frozen embryo transfer with two embies frozen from my second and last NHS cycle. One is 5BB and other is 3AB.
The embryologist called today and recommend they thaw both for transfer based on the fact I have already had two average fresh embryos and one good quality fresh embryo transferred in the past, all of which were not successful.
My husband was keen only to thaw one as this still gives us another chance but the embryologist said, what I had thought, that it doesn't matter if we hold one back if they are going to implant they will, regardless if they are transferred together or separate. She says transferring them both will give us a better chance of success.
The negatives would be this is our last chance saloon with the NHS and if it was successful the higher risk of miscarriage for a multiple pregnancy.
I know only we can decide but it would be good if any of you have any input or words or wisdom. 💞