Hello All,
Wondering if any of you may have experienced a natural FET and had worries about what day your 5 day embryo goes in your oven ...
We’re slightly panicking and definitely over thinking things, but this is our 9th treatment so it’s bound to happen.
Our clinic works on the bases that the day of my LH surge, our 5 day embryo goes in 7 days later (allowing 2 days from surge for ovulation). In theory that all makes sense. But then I wonder if my surge really happened Saturday, as there’s a whole 24 hrs between my morning pee tests. Secondly I’m using Ovusense which will indicate the day of ovulation, but this always takes a few days after to confirm when this happened and I’m still waiting on this...
The OKPs showed my surge on Sunday, so technically this Saturday is the day the clinic advises FET. We’re thinking Friday, (the way my Ovusense chart is looking).. has anyone had a transfer 6 days after their surge as oppose to 7 days?
Sorry complicated question and over worrying .. we are just so desperate to get things right.
Thank you so much for any words you can offer us x
Baby dust to you all 💫