Morning all, hope you’re all as well as can be!
I just had my day 7 scan and my follicles have responded quickly and we are looking at a day 10 or 11 egg collection.
I mentioned I’d had a tiny bit of pink streaked discharge when I wipe for two days and so the doctor looked and my womb and although they said the triple line was visible, they found it to be a bit bumpy.
They said this is only a potential issue for a fresh transfer.
This is our first round of IVF and having (very anxiously!) read more about risks associated with the thawing process, despite having a three round package, we had come to the conclusion that we would try a fresh transfer first (if we’re fortunate enough to have any embryos at all). The news about my womb lining has me questioning is this is now not the wisest choice and perhaps waiting for a break from the oestrogen would be better??
Does anyone have any experience of this? Any advice much appreciated please!
(for context, I am 34 (almost 35) with low AMH and my husband has borderline morphology - the sample will be assessed on the day as we would prefer not to go down the ICSI path if possible and the andrologist we saw, said husband’s sample wouldn’t suggest the need for ICSI).
Thank you in advance! Xxx