I’ve been quiet on here as just getting head round the last failed cycle. Feeling really down
Came as complete shock that we had no embryos at all after having our best egg collection results ever. I had 7 eggs, 6 mature and all 6 fertilised but nothing made it to day 5. With our previous cycles had 1-4 eggs but always had good day 5 blastocyst (often 100% fertilisation and 100% to excellent/ good quality blasts).
I can’t believe my egg quality has crashed so much in 12 months. Follow all the advice and literally feel should have halo on my head I am living so clean, so nothing more can do diet and lifestyle wise. And can’t help fact I’m now 37 as this horrendous “journey” is going on for so many years. I try so hard to keep stress down and do acupuncture etc
Previously we’ve done short protocol FSH only 450iu with Ganirelix from day 5 and HCG 10,000 trigger for all 3 cycles. This time we did oestrogen priming ( which did seem to get us more even growth and more eggs) and short protocol Pergoveris (300 FSH 150 LH) and Ganirelix then double trigger HCG 5000 and buserelin. I wonder if the LH use for first time in this protocol didn’t do my egg quality any favours?
Had review yesterday and dr had literally no ideas - just said we could do the same or maybe try ICSI (which seems nonsensical as we had 100% fertilisation of mature eggs and sperm looked great on the day. We’ve already had sperm dna frag done etc). We have one more cycle with them out of package so it’s rubbish they seem to have no optimism or suggestions.
Feel so down about hopes for future now. Problem has always been recurrent implantation failure and endo. And while we’ve always struggled to get many eggs there’s been no problem having a great blastocyst for transfer or even freezing. Now there’s a whole new issue to add to the awfulness. Heading into 5th egg collection but so lost. Only thing I’ve asked is whether we just go back to the original protocol as at least that gave us good quality blasts.
Has anyone been in a position of having a cycle with no embryos to then having a better result again with your next cycle?
Thanks for reading this far if you have.