Has anyone without PCOS been prescribed metformin and seen an improvement in egg quality in specific maturity/fertilisation rate.
I’m going for my last private cycle of ivf in April after the last cycle (october) gave us 3 blasts, one fresh round failed as did a double frozen transfer.
On review we can see my egg maturity is always quite poor
I’ve had 2 full cycles and the first got us a grade c&d blast which we did double fresh transfer and gave me my son on our first ever ivf attempt. So all of this failed attempts is new to us 🙁
Has anyone’s consultant used metformin or any other methods to improve maturity? We’ve collected around 16 eggs each time but most have been immature leaving us with 5-8 fertilised embryos. Using donor sperm which is testing really well- so they’re not the problem.
I’ve read online good things about metformin and happened to be on this my first cycle too.
Anyone have experience or suggestions?
Thankyou ❤️