10dp5dt scared and emotional - Fertility Network UK

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10dp5dt scared and emotional

PurpleTeddy profile image
9 Replies

I have never posted on something like this before and I don’t even know why I feel the need.

I am 10dp5dt and my OTD is not for 3 more days. This is my 2nd FET (I have a high risk of OHSS so only doing FET) but I’ve also done 5 rounds of assisted ovulation which failed.

I have little to no symptoms this time round. My failed round my boobs were massive and agony, I was bloated and my bones ached. This time I’ve only got a very slight discomfort on my boobs but I’ve been super emotional the last few days.

I tried to see the first transfer as a dummy run and never thought it would work so when it was negative I wasn’t so broken.

This time I’ve manifested so hard, prepared my body as well as I could, tried acupuncture and reflexology and just took time to relax. But deep down I’m so scared to test and only see one line.

Hoping I can get out my head a bit, but the lack of symptoms and the emotion of it all is driving me crazy.

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PurpleTeddy profile image
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9 Replies
Kitkat10 profile image

I can 100% relate to how you are feeling, it’s a really tough time. I had no symptoms at all for my BFP, in fact I tested one day early so that I could go for a run and get my head straight for work because I was convinced it had failed.

It’s a hard wait and an even harder test to take, try and keep busy these next few days and be kind to yourself. Whatever happens there will still be options, good luck 🍀🍀 everything crossed that this is your time xx

PurpleTeddy profile image
PurpleTeddy in reply to Kitkat10

I’ve seen so many people say they had no symptoms and earlier on I felt like that was a good sign, but totally second guessing it now. I have only slight pain in boobs and crying and the most ridiculous things. Thank you for the well wishes. Hope it is.

Twiglet2 profile image

Hey - symptoms in the wait don’t really mean much in my experience so you are defo not out 🤗 I didn’t have sore boobs until about 5-6 weeks and even then on and off. Best of luck for when you test xx

SadieBarts profile image

Hi. I'm 10dp5dt today, my OTD is wednesday, dreading it. This is my 4th attempt, just feel like it's never going to work. Symptom checking is driving my insane, Saturday small amout of brown spotting, today huge hot sweats.

I almost don't want to test this week just to hold on hope.

PurpleTeddy profile image
PurpleTeddy in reply to SadieBarts

We have same OTD. Hopefully the spotting is a good sign for you, I’ve read it is. Sending you positive vibes for Wednesday. Totally get what you mean, I just want it to be positive so much that I’m dreading seeing just one line again.

Hope it goes well.

SadieBarts profile image
SadieBarts in reply to PurpleTeddy

Sending you all the positive vibes too. I almost want to test tomorrow just to get it out of the way with. I am spotting again this morning, pretty sure AF is on its way :(

Scoobysnax80 profile image

i can certainly relate to that feeling of being scared when taking the test, I was terrified! You pin all your hopes on IVF working.

All you can do is remind yourself that you have done absolutely everything possible to get that BFP!

No symptoms isn't bad news.

I had zero symptoms before my BFP with my first son. I truly believed it hadn't worked.

With my second IVF baby, I had some mild soreness in my boobs and minor cramping and got my BFP.

You’re nearly there, you can do this 💪🏻 🧡

PurpleTeddy profile image

Hi all. Just updating as I always look at threads and wonder what actually happened. BFN today I’m afraid. Not our time. Still 2 more C grades in the freezer and an opportunity for another round as we are through access fertility. Fingers crossed our time will come.

Lollypop1993 profile image
Lollypop1993 in reply to PurpleTeddy

What day did you test on and was you frozen or fresh ?

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