Hi all.
I just wanted to post to see if anyone else has ever experienced this but last night I had some very sudden shooting almost stabbing pains in which I can only describe as a kind of lightening crotch. I’ve never had it before but when I read how they feel it was like a mix of that and round ligament pain. I’m currently 5wks 4 days pregnant after a successful FET so I’m on both oestrogen and quite a bit of progesterone - cyclogest and lubion.
It’s so early on and I’m aware that apparently these types of things don’t tend to happen until much later so I’m very worried.
I have emailed the clinic but nothing back yet.
The pains only last led about 5 mins and then went and haven’t returned but now I’m super on edge and feel a bit tense there.
No other symptoms at all. Has anyone else ever had this, so early on?
Thanks so much.