Hi everyone, I'm sorry in advance for the long post. I've been missing for a while because I couldn't face the reality of what was happening, and i couldnt quite put anything into words, but I'm back, and in need of some advice if possible.
A recap on my journey so far, I started IVF in March 2023. I got successful on my first transfer, but in July 2023 had a termination for medical reasons, my baby girl was very sick and had Trisomy 18. In October 2023, I transferred my last embryo, and I miscarried in December. We made a decision to move forward with Donor egg in February of this year. I had a transfer in March and was again successful, only to find out that my second baby girl had Trisomy 13, and again, another termination in the second trimester.
We've now made the decision to move to double donor, using both donor egg and sperm. This is the last chance and option for us. I'm really hoping that double donor will give us more hope and maybe a higher chance. Has anyone any success stories that will boost my already shattered heart? I'm greatful that I can get pregnant because I know that it's not a luxury that everyone has, I just need the lucky egg
Thanks for reading this far!