2WW: Hi, my girlfriend and i (im male... - Fertility Network UK

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RisingStar39 profile image
31 Replies

Hi, my girlfriend and i (im male) are going through our 2nd icsi cycle and had two embryos transferred on 24th feb after a 5 day blastocyst. We are testing next friday so only a week to wait. She isn't showing any symptoms after 5 days and is worried that because she is not showing any symptoms, the embryo has not implanted. I am trying to reassure her but it doesnt help. Im on here to find out if its normal not to have any symptoms at this stage and if so when do you think symptoms will start? Any advice etc would be great thanks

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RisingStar39 profile image
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31 Replies
Cinderella5 profile image

Hey, so nice of you to come on here to get some reassurance for your girlfriend! Its really hard to call to be honest, Ive seen ladies on here with no symptoms and get a positive and also some that are sure it had worked as they had symptoms and it was a negative.....you just dont know in all honesty! The medication is really cruel as it can produce symptoms or not. All you can both do it hang on in there until test day and see what happens! Try to get her to keep her mind busy, boxsets, jigaws, walks out in the fresh air! Good luck.xx

ttcemmie profile image

Hi RisingStar. Love that you've mentioned that you're male, lol. Such a novelty! Symptoms seem to be a red herring and a wild goose chase only designed to drive everyone crazy and second-guessing everything. Basically, they can mean nothing or everything, and the hormones in IVF can mimic symptoms, AND a period on its way can have similar symptoms as pregnancy. Unfortunately, it's just a waiting game. Please reassure her that not having symptoms doesn't mean that she's not pregnant. Soon to testing day! xxxx

Has she seen the show "I didn't know I was pregnant". People on that somehow manage to not know they are pregnant for 9 months! Not sure if that's reassuring? 😃

Hi, welcome to the group. It makes a nice change to see men on here. I had s 5 day transfer on 17th feb and had no symptoms either, have just had 2 consecutive days of positive tests.

It's the worst wait ever, it's easier said than done but relaxing is the best way to go, try to keep occupied. Netflix is a great distraction.

Good luck xx

Jebby86 profile image


I had zero symptoms during my 2 week wait and I’m currently 30 weeks pregnant. I didn’t really start feeling pregnant until about 8 weeks when the nausea started.

Just remind her that everyone is different, tell her not to bother symptom spotting, and most importantly don’t test early. It can cause unnecessary upset or premature excitement.

Good luck 🤞🏻

RisingStar39 profile image
RisingStar39 in reply to Jebby86

Congratulations to you and your partner! Wish you all the best in parenthood. Not long to go for you guys now

RisingStar39 profile image

Hi ladies, thank you all for the advice, its reassuring to know there are other women out there that have no symptoms and manage to fall. Just hoping we will be one of them. Been a long journey to get here. Will take the advice on not testing early as this adds stress. Someone mentioned relaxing by watching netflix ..... i guess more designated survivor for us then haha

Florencenightingale profile image
Florencenightingale in reply to RisingStar39

You could watch something a bit more exciting than that 🤣🤣 no spoilers tho.x

Hope4usall profile image

Hi I have had lots of symptoms and had a positive and also hardly anything and a positive. its so hard to call it. It might help her to listen to some mindfulness. Mindful IVF app is really good. Keeping busy helped me as it does take your mind off things a bit. I went for walks and spent time with my partner and family.

Pregnant unless proven otherwise! PUPO. Symptoms mean nothing.

Good luck to you both, I have everything crossed for you. Xx

ChloeDE profile image

Hi, I am also on the 2ww. I transferred the day before you. I have had some tugging and sometimes feel like I have one of slendertone belts that tone your tummy on. Apart from that, nothing. I don't know if it's the medication or implantation happening. I am terrified to test.

Everyone is different with symptoms. It's also completely (I don't know about normal) but definitely common to worry and obsess about it. I know I am!

DrWilde profile image

Hi, I am also on 2WW, waiting to do the test tomorrow, eek! I've had mild OHSS so it's hard to know if the cramps I've had are normal or related to that? It sounds like the advice on here is good though, the only way to know is by the tests! Good luck x

Tugsgirl profile image

I had 6 two week waits. 3 bfps. My biggest symptom was feeling like I was going to get my period xx

RisingStar39 profile image

Morning IVF warriors. My partner will be having the test on friday. She is struggling atm. She has been quite emotional over last few days and is convinced the test on friday will be a BFN because she is only getting the occasional twinge in her stomac (no sore boobs etc). Im trying to help her relax by doing things that are not stressful or heavy lifting which is difficult as she loves DIY. Today she is planting seeds in small plant pots so hopefully that will help her relax a little. Any words of wisdom from anyone would be great. X

LCharlton profile image
LCharlton in reply to RisingStar39

There is absolutely no way to know without testing - she could have sore boobs and it could be from the progesterone and she could not be pregnant, or she could have zero symptoms and be pregnant. You just have to wait to find out. It sounds like she's having a tough time waiting and she needs to be distracted with activities she enjoys. If she loves DIY and there's a project she wants to tackle, can you do it with her and handle any heavy lifting? Or is there something else she enjoys? You have to find a way to put it out of your mind for a while, even just by telling yourself "I'll think about it for a while at 8pm but not before" and then every time you find yourself going there, stopping yourself because it's not 8 yet and that's your designated thinking about it time.

RisingStar39 profile image

A quick update. My partner has not had any pregnancy symptoms so far and decided to take early test today (day 14 after egg transfer). The first test was negative but the next two showed a positive result (definately faint positive lines). Keeping our fingers crossed its not a false negative. Our test day is friday!

Could this mean my partner is pregnant even if one was negative ?

KiboXX profile image
KiboXX in reply to RisingStar39

Hi RisingStar39,

Were the tests different brands? Did you do them at the same time?x

RisingStar39 profile image
RisingStar39 in reply to KiboXX

All 3 Different brands. First test at 7am and next two at 10am

KiboXX profile image
KiboXX in reply to RisingStar39

So you know what brands they were? They all have different sensitivities so that might explain the odd negative test!

RisingStar39 profile image
RisingStar39 in reply to KiboXX

A clear blue non digital is a positive. Another brand i dont know name of was positive. The negative one was a clear blue but you fold it together....

KiboXX profile image
KiboXX in reply to RisingStar39

I would say for now, everything looks promising! I know they tell you to test with first wee of the day but I always got a better result later in the morning or the evening.

If you can get hold of a first response early test, they are the more sensitive than the clear blue ones. Good luck!

RisingStar39 profile image

Hello IVF warriors. So our official test date is tomorrow. We have mixed feelings at the moment as did test 2 days ago and there was a faint line (clear blue) on one and a fainter line (cheaper brand) on the other. This morning tested again. The cheaper brand with pink dye was stronger this time, while clear blue one was fainter. Not sure what to think at the moment. So confusing.

Chantysal profile image

Wishing u all the luck i had no symptoms at all when i got my BFP keep us updated and best of luck

RisingStar39 profile image

My partner tested this morning. The faints line on one stayed the same and didnt get darker. A digital said she is pregnant. We are worried it may be a chemical pregnancy as when she fell pregnant naturally (only time and miscarried) just over 2 years ago and the result was must more distinctive.

CLDxxx profile image
CLDxxx in reply to RisingStar39

Hey. Are you using FRER tests? Are you able to go for blood tests at all to be certain?

RisingStar39 profile image
RisingStar39 in reply to CLDxxx

What are FRER tests? Sorry for not knowing.

My partner will be calling the fertility clinic when it opens to let them know the result. I guess we will have to see what they say. We did briefly discuss blood testing this morning, so will opt for this to rules things out.

CLDxxx profile image
CLDxxx in reply to RisingStar39

Hey, no problem! I didn't know until coming on here either :)

FRER - First response, early response tests are the most sensitive tests as they pick up HCG levels more than others but if digital is picking up than you may be ok!

Hoping for you and sending luck x

RisingStar39 profile image
RisingStar39 in reply to CLDxxx

Thanks. Well she had a blood test this afternoon and will be getting results this evening. Blood needs to be over 56.

CLDxxx profile image
CLDxxx in reply to RisingStar39

Hope results were ok 🤞

RisingStar39 profile image
RisingStar39 in reply to CLDxxx

So the blood results was 41 which was disappointing. Got to go back on monday for another blood sample. They said it has to double from previous test.

Ive read on a few forums of success stories when hcg levels are low... just hope we will be one of those.

RisingStar39 profile image

Hello all, well its not good news. The second hcg blood results are lower meaning pregnancy took place but then didnt progress. We are gutted especially as it was a 5 day transfer and embryos were graded 5AA and 5AB as well as all other positive things. We have two frozen embryos left so hopefully one of those will work.

CLDxxx profile image
CLDxxx in reply to RisingStar39

So sorry to read this. It’s even harder when everything was looking so positive. Did your lady have her progesterone checked before transfer? Might be something to think about for next time?

Hope you’re both doing ok. X

Tryagain45 profile image

Sorry that you got sad news. It's so tough. Sending you both strength and hugs x

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