Hi all
Firstly, sorry for the length post. I’m desperate for advice…
We’ve just had a failed cycle at ARGC. 3 blasts sent for PGT-A testing, all come back abnormal. The follow-up consultation was extremely thorough. We’ve had karyotype tests (normal), hysteroscopy (normal), at beginning of cycle: FSH 7.9, estrogen 196, both described as ‘a good place to start.’ AFC was 6 (described as on the low side.) AMH is 17.5. Lining described as ‘beautiful.’ Estrogen increased to 7800 which were told is great. I responded well to relatively low dose stimulation (225 f**timon.) Sperm count and movement ‘good,’ but morphology was only 3% (low).
Resulted in 9 eggs, 7 mature, 4 fertilised, 3 blasts (but abnormal.)
3 previous failed cycles (7 transfers), 1 miscarriage at 9 weeks. Aged 39/40.
It was strongly suggested we move onto donor eggs but the possibility of conceiving using own sperm and eggs was not shut down totally.
Please can someone advise us of what to do? We have enough savings to go again (own or donor), but not enough to do both. I’m so conflicted.
I’m also soooo overwhelmed by the process of using donor eggs. Hoping someone can explain the steps simply (with some recommendations if possible.)
Love and strength 💜