Any advice on the progesterone pessaries please ladies, I’m dreading having to use them to be honest. I have been prescribed them AM & PM. Any tips would be hugely appreciated- are they as bad as I think they will be??
Progesterone pessaries: Any advice on... - Fertility Network UK
Progesterone pessaries

Ahh, everyone has a different experience but I personally didn't mind them at all. The most difficult thing was just remembering to take them twice a day. The advice I had was to take them rectally because they leak a lot when you take them vaginally and I definitely found that much better. Good luck and try not to dread them!
I was instructed to use vaginally and they have been fine - coming from someone who hates tampons and mooncups. With a bit of strategy you can avoid a melted mess of lard in your pants (which washes out fine anyway tbh) by sitting or lying down for a little while after inserting then having a wee an hour later that washes most of it away. Or wear a liner. The biggest problem is opening the darn things...I've wasted so many by dropping them in the loo, in the bin, on the floor, had to use teeth to open the plastic, etc. Sorry for graphic detail!
hi I am using as well 3 times a day viginally and they are totally fine just lie at least one hour to get them obsorb mostly . I feel very comfortable after taking them like they makes me relax I feel drowsy and sleepy . Today is my day 3pd5 embryo. Hopping for best IA K! Good luck 🤞
I've used them vaginally and rectally on five transfers and throughout one pregnancy and even with a pain condition meaning I find even tampons difficult, they didn't really bother me. The mess is annoying but nothing a liner couldn't handle. I did find that they melted in warmer weather which made them tricky to insert but you'll find a way.
I agree with the others - they are absolutely fine and the best of a bad bunch when it comes to IVF meds! They are much easier to insert than a tampon. I prefer to use liners with them for the 'residue''. I don't always lie down after them but for about 5-10 minutes after you insert them it is better to be at least sitting down. I've been told the majority of the progesterone is absorbed within 15 minutes.
I’ve been on them for around 9 weeks now, 3 times a day. I wear a liner as I find they do leak. I also try and lie down for a short while after insertion. But they honestly aren’t that bad. You’ll quickly get used to them. Xx
Game changer for me was when the nurse told me I can take them rectally. 0 mess
nah they are fine, a bit messy just time it so your in your bed relaxing if you can morning and night as you love to lie down for 20mins after if you use vaginally xx
I’m about to stop taking them after 10 weeks and honestly use them rectally , it’s part of my day now 😂 xxx
I used them vaginally. You'll most probably need a liner for leakage. You'll get used to it. Best of luck! x
Yuck I hate them so bad!!! Only two more weeks of these terrors.
I actually opted for the progest injections instead of pessaries just because I don't mind injections and didn't really fancy the pessaries and my clinic were fine with that.
You might also be able to ask for suppositories if you'd prefer that? Sounds more gross but actually in a previous round I preferred them... It's a hole that is designed not to leak so zero mess 😅🤷🏼