So I was instructed by my nurse that whatever outcome my test is tommorow I have to stop my pessaries. I'm worried about that as I know I have a BFP as I tested today. She told me that my body should produce it naturally but its playing on my mind incase I bleed or anything is that normal to stop them so soon.
Progesterone pessaries: So I was... - Fertility Network UK
Progesterone pessaries

I was told to carry them on till 12 weeks if we got a positive xx
That does sound early especially as you've had ivf. Ive been to 2 different clinics and they wanted me on it up to 12 weeks (if I ever got a bfp). Ive learnt that different nurses say different things. How many days worth were you prescribed? Is there any way you could ask your consultant to verify what the nurse has said, and if you are uncomfortable with stopping, tell them this? xx
It depends entirely on your health also.
If you have had any other hormonal issues or you didn't used to ovulate properly etc then your body may not produce enough of the hormones this early on and may require extra support.
If you had no other issues it may just be as easy to come off them. Especially if your cycle used to be like clockwork with no spotting in between periods.
It's not uncommon to continue longer as you can see above. I have an issue producing progesterone and enough oestrogen so I need the extra support for sure. I tend to cramp and bleed very early on tww without it. It certainly wouldn't do any harm to continue but I have heard some clinics expect you to come off once you have a BFP.
You may feel more comfortable doing so by the week 7 scan in couple weeks? Maybe seeing the sac and embryo develop will allow you to wean off the pessaries. If you really think it's detrimental I'm sure you can ask your consultant if you can carry on a few weeks
Congratulations on your BFP 😊
Thankyou. I dont get periods at all without medication hence the IVF . But she said dont bother about it which I thought was a funny thing as I dont have the proper hormones in my I will call again thanx
Ditto! And yes I would certainly argue it and get a second opinion
I knew I was on too low a dose last time and wish I had argued to up it. In the end I did myself and it stopped the bleeding.
Now that you're pregnant your body may well and truly kick in but I certainly wouldn't expect it in your case as automatic and think you're perfectly justified in pursuing it.
We know our bodies and there's no harm in continuing xx
I was told 12 weeks too. Asking you to stop now seems a bit too soon to me. I agree with the lady that advised you to Ask for a second opinion. Better being safe
If it's a FET cycle then it's too early, if I get a bfp on my FET I have to phone clinic for more progesterone.Perhaps she thought u were on a fresh cycle? Either way I'd phone again, congrats on ur bfp xo
12 weeks for me too xx
I’ve been advised it’s to the first scan and I don’t know if I’d even be comfortable with that as most people get told 12 weeks. How much progesterone are you all taking? I’m on 3x200mg capsules a day x
Congrats on your BFP ❤️
Hi I was to 12 weeks to start to reduce dose and of by the 13th week. I had a FET but I do think it depends on the type of cycle you have I really do not know enough about the different types but I did read somewhere there was a difference. Sorry to be so vague. Good luck xx
I was on a FET but was doing it like a fresh cycle with the menopur and the hmg shot. Because I was on tablets too before with a FET but it failed for my lining. X
I have to carry on with mine until I am 10 weeks x
Congratulations on your fantastic news. I was told today that you have to continue them for a total of 12 weeks with a bfp. Xx
We did FET and Dr told me week 12. Congratulations on your BFP xxx
Hi Jenna
Congratulations on your BFP 👍💖
On my 7 week viability scan at the clinic, i was told to stop taking the pessaries as they could see from the scan all was well and my body was producong progesterone itself.
I know most have said they stopped at 12 wks and mine at 7wks, but i think yours is early. How can they know to stop without the scan? Perhaps ask them this or double check with clinic tomorrow.
On my last FET I had no progesterone at all, and I'm now at 7+0 😊 but every body is different... you can test for progesterone levels, perhaps?
I think it depends on if you had a fresh or frozen cycle but I did a frozen and like most people stayed on them for 12 weeks. My hospital gave me a weaning plan to reduce mine rather than stop them immediately xx
I was advised to take until 8 weeks. But because of bleeding I ended up upping adding pio shots too until 12 weeks.
I actually get the same advice from my clinic. Either result you stop the progesterone at OTD and they only give you a 14 day supply so no way to continue. They say your own hormones should have kicked in by your BFP and therefore no need to continue. Every clinic is different.
For my first 3 cycles I was told to continue until the first scan, but unfortunately I would have bfp with high HCG, but then bleed after a couple of days after that. On my 4th cycle they added on progesterone injections to the pressaries and I continued with this treatment until 12 weeks. And thereafter the injections were stopped but I was kept on pressaries until 24 weeks.
Congratulation on your BFP Jenna! I hope you’ve been able to get some clarity from your clinic but that does sound too early to stop taking the progesterone. When I called to tell them I got a BFP yesterday I was urged to come in and get enough progesterone to get me through to the 7 week scan in the new year because they close end of next week for Xmas. I’m on 2 x 400mg a day usually but my consultant told me to administer 3 x pessaries yesterday.
I was told continue to 12 weeks as your body doesn’t supply the amount it needs till 11 weeks 🤷🏼♀️