Hi everyone, had our viability scan and follow up at the clinic yesterday, all looking well and measuring at 9 weeks pregnant today. The nurse told me to stop taking the pessaries now, but I’m scared to just stop them cold turkey! Iv got enough to last me til I’m 11 weeks and just wondered what everyone else has done? I remember at our teaching session they said we take them until 12 weeks so just feel nervous about stopping now! Xx
Stopping Progesterone Pessaries - Fertility Network UK
Stopping Progesterone Pessaries

That’s great news! Congratulations. I went for my viability scan last week and they told me to keep taking pessaries and progynova until day 70, then to wean myself off gradually at that point. But everyone is different xx
Brilliant news. Congratulations. Every clinic is different and every case. It is scary but also a huge relief when you finally stop. The placenta takes over some time between 9 and 12 weeks which is why they aren't worried I guess. Having just seen the scan.

Thank you! Yeh im guessing the sonographer checked the lining, it just seems weird when Iv got 2 weeks worth left! Xx
Yes, I have half a box of drugs at the bottom of my wardrobe. Think I totally overestimated what I would need. But better to have too many than not enough I guess.
Maybe call your clinic to say you are anxious about just stopping and do they have a recommendation for weaning? Xx

Yeh I think I might just for some reassurance. I’m sure weaning won’t do me any harm xx
I was originally told 12 weeks too but after 8-week scan Dr had me come off them gradually in weeks 9 and 10. Was so happy to be free of the pessaries but also woke up in panic more than once that I had forgotten to take some medication or other though I wasn't on anything anymore by that point!!!