Hi, please can someone help me here. I have one child 3 and half years old and we are trying for 2nd baby over 2 and half years but no result. We decided to go for private ivf in uk, the clinic gave us price for 2 cycles but the Access Fertility partner offering us 3 cycles with 50 percent refund if not successful. The Access Fertility price is £7,000 more compare to clinic price. Does anyone can help me to decide whether 2 cycles will be enough or will require 3 cycles? I am 40 years old and no health issues.
Please help me: Hi, please can someone... - Fertility Network UK
Please help me

Hi There, it is a bit of a minefield try to figure out what to do and all really depends on what you yourself can afford and what you think might work best.
I’m 36, started IVF when I was 35, took 4 egg collections and 3 transfers before our BFP and I’m now 21 weeks and we have one frostie for maybe a sibling.. (although at this stage I don’t know if I’d go again!).
We did one round (5k) (BFN) and then opted for a 3 cycle embryo banking package.. (about 13k), (one chemical, and one BFN), if I went back again I might have just “paid as I go” for each round as we didn’t get that many embryos anyway..
Main point is that we did what we could afford and what worked for us. You will get lots of different scenarios and examples from people but you have to do what works for you. Best of luck! Xx
I was with Access Fertility 2 cycles package. But managed to have a baby within the first cycle. There is no harm to have one more cycle to try. And if you are successful with a live birth baby, you don’t really mind to pay a little bit more!
Hi, thank you for your reply. If you don't mind me asking. How old were you when you went for IVF?
I started from 35 but the one I was pregnant with my son was 37. I am 40 now, tried to have sibling with the left 2 embryos from the cycle of 37, both PGS tested but all end up with miscarriages. So I think there is a big drop in the rate after 40! You might need more cycles after 40!
I would go with AF for sure. We did and after 2 cycles I wasn't pregnant. I was 35 with unexplained infertility.Thankfully I fell pregnant naturally and had my daughter and we got our 70% back.
You'll barely think about the money if you're blessed with a baby and at 40 you're more likely to need more cycles for success.
If you're unexplained and your hormone levels are normal I'd continue to TTC on the run up to treatment. We were about to begin our 3rd round when I fell pregnant naturally at 39. I then had a second at age 41.
Good luck x
My daughter(naturally conceived) was 2.5 when we started trying for a second and realized we should look into ivf when she was around 3. Doctors were positive since we already had a kid naturally and based on the stats, I should have 70% chance of getting a baby based on my age (at that time 35). We went for a 3 round package but didn’t succeed. During one round I received a positive pregnancy test but it was chemical. We have not imagined it was so difficult 😞 I would say go for the 3 rounds