We are looking to start our 3rd cycle of ICSI and we want to have an IVF refund package through Access Fertility as our clinic offers this. My concern is whether we would meet the criteria to access this. We are regretting not taking up this package in the first place but naively thought we would have success first time around or at least have embryos left in our first cycle. However when we mentioned to our consultant about going through Access Fertility I didn’t get the impression we would be eligible, not that he said anything but I felt he was doubtful. I would feel better if we could sign up to a 2 or 3 cycle deal as it would mean we are signed up to future cycles if we are unsuccessful again. I think DH would say not to continue if the 3rd cycle also failed, so he won’t agree to fund a 4th.
My question is whether anyone has had any experience with Access Fertility? And what is their criterion? We are now looking to do our 3rd cycle of ICSI which I wonder if this would hinder our eligibility. Also my BMI is over 35 which I wonder if this would also affect our eligibility.
Any advice or experiences would be much appreciated.