I recently had to come of my beta blockers for migraines as I am pregnant (6weeks 5day) . Yesterday I had an awful headache on top of my nausea and anything I ate, which was barely anything , I was violently sick, which made my headache worse. Does anyone have any experience of this and know what I could take , my headaches are so bad I would of taken strong cocodamol or migraine meds but obviously I can’t do that now and paracetamol doesn’t cut it. I’m terrified to have another day like yesterday, I’m so exited to be having twins but i feel like I’m a real downer atm . Please help
Please help -medication for migraine ... - Fertility Network UK
Please help -medication for migraine 1st trimester

Hi there.Just a thought but are you completely off caffeine?I use to get terrible headaches not migraines though when I was pregnant with my daughter (never suffered with them before)and I read somewhere about having a small bit of caffeine.I stopped all caffeine when pregnant.Dont know in and outs of it or why it worked but I use to have a cup of tea when they hit and it cleared my headaches up for me.xx
Go to your GP so they can prescribe something. You can take cocodamol in pregnancy, but not long term and only certain doses so this would need prescribing!
Congratulations on your pregnancy, and hopefully things settle down in the next month or so xxx
Congratulations on your pregnancy! Sorry to hear of the migraines! I am also a migraine sufferer and was sometimes sick 20 plus times a day during pregnancy due to migraines. It peaked at around 12 weeks and after about 16 weeks I was migraine free!!! Are your migraines chronic or episodic? As mine are episodic, just knowing that it would pass in a couple of days really got me through. I was told I could take anti-sickness meds but in the end I decided to wait for it to pass. I was also told that if the sickness continued to go to hospital to get hydrated, which luckily wasn't needed. Yours may well be worse than mine, I know they vary greatly , so I hope you can get some help from your midwife and gp to help get them under control. Also know it will not affect your pregnancy.
You can actually go back on beta blockers if you have to as they are used in pregnancy fir high blood pressure. Baby would just probably needs blood sugar monitoring fir a little while after birth. Alternatively you can try amitriptiline I checked befire going onto it as currently undergoing FET. you can have paracetamol, codeine for pain relief but I would chat to you midwife and gp to get a definitive answer
hi I was a migraine sufferer during my pregnancy and my neurologist gave me list of supplements to take daily: butterbur, magnesium, and vitamin B2. Also if I had to break a relentless migraine then I was able to get IV hydration mixed with a med as I had an on call order with on-site pharmacist. You can ask neurologist for help with that one. Lastly I did Botox for back of my neck and upper traps for migraines during my second trimester. With that combo I was finally saved from all the suffering. Good luck and congratulations on pregnancy! ps hydration, mini meals during day, daily exercise/walks and comfy rest all helps too! Ice packs for those throbby headaches can give a semi-instant relief as well!
I had bed headaches in my twin pregnancy so I really sympathise. You're right paracetamol doesn't really touch it but I found it was better than nothing and if really bad cocodomol did help but i didnt like taking it. I also used forehead....the menthol stuff you rub on your head. I went through buckets of it. Standing under a hot shower helped when it was really bad. The only other thing that did help was a diet coke with the paracetamol....I know that's controversial with the caffeine but I only had the one when it was bad.xx
I just came across this after I had migraine attack the other day. Felt like I nearly died. I used menthol oil on my temper and my husband gave me head massage which helped. I also had nausea and my husband had to rub my stomach with menthol oil too. I laid down on bed with 2 pillows to prop my head to help with the nausea. After falling asleep I woke up feeling better. Read the comments from the rest, I think I will try caffeine next time as I recall I skipped my tea the day I had migraine attack...