So I’m 42in January. I’ve just had my 1st icsi cycle. 8eggs collected 6 fertilised but only one made it through and was only morula on day 5. I transferred this one but my period started 9dpt. My clinic can’t offer me a follow up until late October but I’m desperate to make plans for my next cycle because the clock is ticking. Looking at clinics in Cyprus at moment but because I can’t have my follow up I’m unsure as to which way to go with regards to egg donor etc. Anyone got similar stories? If so what did you do and what was your outcome? How long is needed between cycles? I would start next month if I could
Over 40 failed 1st cycle help! - Fertility Network UK
Over 40 failed 1st cycle help!

Sorry for your failed cycle. To be honest the first round is often a learning one so I wouldn’t despair too much and a lot can be changed for your next round
However one thing I would say is I have done six cycles and as I’ve got older (I’m 44 now) my embryos have really slowed down and the last two rounds they only made morula on day 5. Now don’t get me wrong - I see loads of bfps on here from day 5 morulas- but we were advised to go donor eggs as the slow progression in my situation suggested poor egg quality
I know it’s maddening waiting but I think you should try and wait for your follow up and hear what they have to say first
Hugs and good luck xx

Thanks for getting back to me Daisy! I’m just finding it so difficult to be patient, I just feel the clock is ticking! I’m thinking if we have any chance of success it might have to be donor eggs, the difference in the success rates are incredible. It’s hard to weigh up that desire to use my own with the poor chance you know? Is it worth one more try.. but like you say without that follow up it’s impossible to say. Did you have success with donor in the end? Xx
I am just starting with donor. I think it’s worth getting the personalised feedback first as it’s so easy to blame ‘old eggs’ and yet my sister had both her children aged 41 and 43 so it can be done! x

Ah ok, good luck to you! Was it a hard decision to make? Are you using a strangers eggs? I have a 24 year old daughter (from a previous relationship) and we were talking about maybe using her eggs as then at least there would be a part of me there.. my husband isn’t so keen on any donor though. I can understand..
Hello! My clinic told me that you have to wait for your 2nd period after the failed transfer before you can start treatment again. You can't do them back to back.(normally a month between them).Your body needs to cleanse of all those hormones.

Thank you, so the treatment I’m looking starts stims on the 1st day of your period, I’ve already had one post failed transfer so ok to start next month you think? Or wait for the one after that?
It's ok to start the next one! don't panic if your next period will be a few days late sometimes because of the treatment your body needs time to get on track.
Hi I’m so sorry to hear this news but try not to worry or stress out.
I had my first 2 rounds last year then had
Lockdown so was very stuck.
( first round didn’t even make egg collection).
I worked with a wellness coach for a year she helped mind body and spirit with amazing supplements I’d never heard f to help my eggs and diet change.
I had to wait as I needed to speak to NHS doctor for my endometriosis update which was fine which again she helped with that result.
I did iUI in August at a different clinic in London and am 9 weeks pregnant.
Message me if you want either contact details
There is every possibility things can change I’ve just turned 44
Good luck and all the best of luck x
Hey babe that’s great news that it has worked for you. I hope things are progressing well. I would love to get the contact for your wellness coach, just had a failed transfer at 43, but I’m not giving up I just need to focus on my mindset as it’s struggling.
Hello there, would you be so kind as to share the supplements and dietary changes? I am 42 and really interested in this please feel free to PM me .. TIA
The waiting is horrid, I can do relate to this. Had my first cycle and can’t transfer due to them being worried about a fibroid that I need removed. Had two frozen from that cycle one good and one that they said maybe not too. Got a two cycle package but can’t use the other cycle unless this one fails. What to do. Have seen three cycle embryo banking, so want to use my eggs if I can but just turned 42.
Hi I had my first IVF cycle in February of this year I’m 41, they only retrieved 6 eggs one made it for egg transfer which unfortunately I started my period before my test date, I had to wait several weeks before a follow up with the consultant, he basically told me because of my age my eggs weren’t very good quality and if I wanted to go down the same route again he gave me a 10 - 15 percent chance of success, he mentioned if I went down the donor egg route I’d have a 40 percentage chance of success. I’m still not sure what route to go down now as I can’t afford to do both, but I have started the process off again, I went for a scan everything is okay there but now I have to wait till 15/10 for a chat with the consultant then I’ll take it from there. Fingers crossed for you whatever you decide to do in the future xx
Hello. Wishing you the very best of luck. Maybe try NMN ? One lady here tried it and she got pregnant in her early fifties .. It is supposed to prolong fertility in mice..
What’s NMN
"Nicotinamide mononucleotide - Wikipedia"
Hi I had 3 rounds of ivf. One normal protocol. The other 2 was mortidied ivf. Unfortunately nothing worked. I was then 41 by then. Just knew deep down I was time to give up on my o.e I had time to greive. 7 years of infertility also one natual pregancy which ended at 10 weeks with a miscarriage. I decided on d.e. in North Cyprus. It happened 1st time. I gave birth to my twins 20 days after my 43rd baby. They just feel like they were meant to be. No words can describe the love I have for them..I'm.not sure I would feel any difference if they were from my o.e. they are my beautiful children. My world 🌎. Wish you lots of luck xxx
I had success at 43 (and had my baby at 44) and i think a large part was due to taking micronized DHEA for 3 months beforehand - it really improved the embryo quality compared with a cycle i did at 42, and the evidence for it improving your chances of a baby are pretty strong (i evaluate medical evidence as part of my job). A friend of mine also got pregnant at 43 from my leftovers pills (and she had a long history of miscarriage) You could also talk about early egg retrieval with your doctor - this also has evidence to support it, although not as strong as DHEA. If you would like the studies to show your doctor, i can send you the links...
Hi Arcticsnowfox, would you be kind enough to send me your studies around DHEA please?
Hey there, this is an analysis of 8 different good quality trials:
Hi I’m 42 had two previous failed cycles with my own eggs.
So at the age of 41 we decided to use donor egg from my sister, first transfer I’m nearly 33 weeks
Best decision for us - unfortunately over the age of 40 you have about a 5% chance of success with your own eggs
In the UK the child has the right at the age of 18 to know who donated - there are no anonymous donors, abroad is different