Has anyone experienced brownish red discharge, change to light pink on TP? I’m 5w6d and absolutely terrified 😔 I called my clinic yesterday as the brownish discharge I had been seeing over a few days increased yesterday morning, was told it’s most likely normal. Today though it’s more light pink and watery. I’m not cramping or in any pain. But scared out of my mind. Has anyone else experienced this?
Help/advice please 🙏🏻: Has anyone... - Fertility Network UK
Help/advice please 🙏🏻

Could you contact your clinic again today? Hopefully they can put your mind at rest.. xx
I had bleeding at 6 weeks from brown, pink and red and it stayed for 3weeks and all was ok. Try to relax and put your feet up if poss x x
My daughter is 4+ 2 and actually going through this herself. Been to see the dr and he isn’t worried. She is scared to death though bless her xx
I went for a scan on Wednesday, and they could see a pregnancy sack and pregnancy yolk but was too early to see a heartbeat. I’ve had fresh blood for the past two days, and today it seems heavier. I’ve not had any cramping at all, I don’t know what to think. I called my clinic again today, not much they can do other than tell me what might be happening 😔I’m due another scan on Wednesday so will just have to keep everything crossed that it settles down and all is well.