After 3 egg collections and 6 embryos transferred, I can’t believe that we have a BFP. Checked hcg at 12 and 14 days post transfer and it has doubled. I’ve had a missed miscarriage before so really want the reassurance of the early scan and heartbeat check. When did people have theirs? I can find availability for when I’ll be 6 weeks 6 days or 7 weeks 4 days. Is the first option too early?
Sensitive - when to do early pregnanc... - Fertility Network UK
Sensitive - when to do early pregnancy scan?

Hello lovely, congratulations on your BFP!
Personally I would wait for the later time - we recently experienced an mmc and so many people said that they had had scans around the 6.4 mark and hadn't seen heartbeats but went on to see one a bit later.
We weren't lucky enough for this to happen to us, but that week wait between the first and second scan was the worst of my life. If you can wait a little longer to avoid any ambiguity I would 100% advise it.
Really hope all goes well xx
Personally I would do the 7 week 4 days appointment for avoidance of doubt. I remember I had mine too early then had to go back a week later to confirm heartbeat xx
Every pregnancy is different and the embryo can implant and develop at different rates. Plus that early it's really difficult to get an accurate picture and detect a heartbeat so some of it is the skill of the sonographer and luck. I had a scan at 5+3 first time and saw a heartbeat but it was a very early implanter and the hcg was very high by the time of the scan. When I went on a natural pregnancy at around 6+3 they couldn't see much at all and no heartbeat yet and I was asked to go back 2 weeks later, when happily everything was OK. I had had a PUL in between those pregnancies which was confirmed on an early scan so on the third one I just wanted to know there was something that looked vaguely viable and that it was in the right place, but even so the wait between scans was tough. You may be lucky at 6+6 and be reassured but you'd need to be prepared for it to be inconclusive and the anxiety that can go with that, and that they may say they won't rescan for one or two weeks, which feels like forever. You may prefer to wait and maybe get hcgs done again for reassurance.
Congratulations! Both my successful pregnancies I had scans at 6 weeks exactly and saw heartbeat. I’d had bleeding and a history of miscarriage so for me I’d thought the worst and needed to know! Xx
Congratulations!! I personally would do the earlier scan as I would find the wait to long! I had a scan at 6weekes and 6 days and it showed baby and heart beat.
All the best to you and baby 🤞🤞🤞
Congratulations! ☺️ I’d agree with waiting till 7 weeks to be sure. I took that advice from this forum, and 3 of which who have said the same on your post. The idea of having to go back a second time was worse for me than just waiting a little longer. But. 6 weeks and 6 days is literally 1 day short of the 7 weeks so I’d be tempted to chose that option. I had to wait until at least 7 weeks as I wanted to add on the gender blood test too.
Thanks everyone for the advice. I booked the 7+4 option and was driving myself crazy with the wait and thinking the worst. My symptoms seemed to have stopped and I had a little aching pain on one side so I called the epau. Luckily they were able to squeeze me in and at 5+6 they saw the embryo in the right place, measuring the right size and with a tiny flicker, start of the heartbeat 💗 After so much heartbreak and failed cycles, embryo #9 seems to be working so far!