hi all.
I’m using meriofert 900iu PFS and taking 450iu per day. This is my second day so used the already mixed solution drew up 450iu however have noticed that there is still solution remaining in the glass vile. What should I do?
hi all.
I’m using meriofert 900iu PFS and taking 450iu per day. This is my second day so used the already mixed solution drew up 450iu however have noticed that there is still solution remaining in the glass vile. What should I do?
Hi. Unfortunately, it is illegal to sell or give away any medication that has been prescribed to you. You have to give them back to the pharmacy, or clinic so they can use hem for training. Check the use by date, unless you might need hem again. Sorry. Diane
Hi, sorry I wasn't selling I was asking if its OK if there is excess solution left over. i.e. should I have used all the liquid in my two injections
Hi, did you manage to find out for definite that this was ok? This has just happened to me, thanks!
Hi this also happened to me and I am trying to work out if I had gone wrong somewhere because I have managed to g 8 doses of 375iu (3000iu) from 3 packets of 900 iu 2700iu) so that's an extra 300iu or 100iu in total. I can't work out if I have gone wrong or if they have an extra 100iu in every packet.