Curious what your experience has been if you’d done both? And if you got pregnant one way or the other. I’ve done two fully medicated fets that resulted in total implantation failure, so my RE wants to try a modified natural fet as she said for some women it works better (and why not try it at this point).
modified natural vs. fully medicated fet - Fertility Network UK
modified natural vs. fully medicated fet

I think you know my story!
5 medicated with 4 BFN and 1 chemical.
2 natural modified with 1 BFN and 1 BFP. 💖
Can you explain how a natural modified transfer works? I’ve only done medicated and haven’t had any luck yet. Thank you and congratulations!!
Thankyou. Early days, viability scan next week 🤞🏼 💖
I started using ovulation test strips on day 9 of my cycle.
When I got a positive on a strip test (day 12) I then confirmed the next day with strip test and also a clear blue that shows the smiley face.
I then had Ovitrelle trigger shot that night and started progesterone pessaries.
Transfer (FET) was 5 days later.
So interesting, thank you for sharing! So I guess this could result in a multiples pregnancy since you ovulated??
That's interesting Doodlebug, I've done a couple of modified naturals and the FET has always been 7 days after trigger. Their thinking is it takes nearly two days to ovulate after trigger and then five days after that is the transfer. They scan to see what the follicle is doing and I usually trigger when it gets around 18mm which is normally day 9 for me so maybe that's why!
I had no scans at all, which felt really weird. I even asked at my contractions scan what my lining was as I had no idea! My trigger was evening 22nd and transfer on 27th.