hello! I’ve been doing ivf since 2021 now had 4 pregnancies and 4 losses - 2 MMC 1 pregnancy unknown location 1 ectopic with tube removal. Had quite a few tests TFTS normal antiphospholipid normal am on canesflor after the EMMA/ERa showed levels 89% (90 is normal so not bad). NK cells raised so am on pred 25/ day and Intralipids. On heparin and aspirin just to cover bases. Still having the losses - gets diagnosed on early scan due to the previous ectopic , just empty gestational sac this time, previous there was yolk sac and the other 2 were ?ectopic. So I’ve never seen heartbeat or anything: I’m 38 now so worried I’m running out of time- is there anything from your experience to add in? I’m seeing my ivf docs soon but they always just say ‘unlucky’ because I’m on everything! I’ve booked to see dr shehada at epsom but again I’m already on everything so wondered if anyone had any ideas please am so worried!! Thank you x x
advice needed please! Recurrent losses - Fertility Network UK
advice needed please! Recurrent losses

Sorry for your losses. What is your embryo quality like and have you done any testing on them?
I had 3 x chemicals and 3 x miscarriages - all early losses (before 12 weeks). I had a load of drugs thrown at me but in the end I was told it was likely egg quality and chromosomal issues. We stopped our own eggs and went donor and we were successful with our first try so in my case at least it looks like they were right x
Thanks for your reply! This last one was PGT tested normal embryo so I was more hopeful - could a tested one still be the issue? I was starting to assume it was my body and not the embryo they’re always good grades etc AB/BB etc. definitely will ask that! And I use sperm donor so that’s good quality, maybe I could adopt embryo then potentially if not. Thank you! Xx
Bless you so sorry the PGT didn’t work. I was told early losses tend to be chromosomal and I don’t know enough about how accurate PGT is - hopefully someone else can help you with that.
I know it’s sooo frustrating when people say it’s bad luck and only a matter of time as I heard that a lot! Sorry I can’t be more help - hope you get more answers xx
yeh it gets too many times to think it’s unlucky in the end doesn’t it!! The doctors have never mentioned donor egg or embryo adoption so I always thought it wasn’t a problem, but I will definitely ask! Thanks so much xx
Sorry for your losses. I'm not sure what tests you have had as I'm not familiar with those but have you had your thyroid checked?
I haven't had MC but my doctor suggested implantation issues could be due to underactive thyroid. She doesn't think I have one but said it's always good to rule out when so many fail.
yeh I’ve checked thyroid but might be worth rechecking as think that was 2022. They just sort of put it down to unknown/bad luck currently. It’s so hard isn’t it!! Hope you’re ok and getting somewhere x x
My consultant said that with unexplained infertility/no known issues, everything otherwise perfect (including embryo) and age not a factor, he would estimate the odds of implantation (not even success) as 1 in 3, which he said was the same as natural conceptions. I found that seriously hard to swallow after two early losses of perfect embryos, and I made him go through every test, investigation and option before I would do another transfer as I could not accept bad luck and numbers game. Couldn't come up with anything I hadn't had that he thought was relevant and all he said was try a different and higher form of progesterone - my next transfer/first FET (age 37) on that was successful. Then I had a PUL and a BFN trying for a sibling, then a successful natural pregnancy (age 39), so it can't have been an egg quality issue or womb environment/hormones. So I have no clue now, and would definitely say get everything checked so you have peace of mind, but equally I seem to be in the just numbers/unlucky category and I'm glad I kept going. But this may also give you hope about your age and not panicking.
Thank you that’s really helpful and makes me think it might be possible! Maybe I will recheck some of the tests again before I do my next FET. Sorry for your losses too it’s so tough xx
Thank you. It's tough but I was pretty much your age and feeling kind of hopeless, then two children came along in only two years and no-one's been able to explain why or what worked or didn't- maybe it doesn't matter now but after the best part of 10 years TTC without success and I don't know how much money and mental and physical effects from treatment, it would be nice to think they had some idea! Just to say don't lose hope just yet (and get your progesterone checked, monitored and tweaked as it's an easy fix and often overlooked).
Hi peanutpie, if it helps I also had an ectopic and then two more early losses, one MMC, and the other normal miscarriage, before we found the little fighter who stuck. I was very sceptical of all those saying it’s just bad luck and fully expected another miscarriage, I was just waiting for it for it happen, but we were successful in the end and now have a gorgeous 3 week old here. I didn’t really do anything different, just tried to be super healthy and stay positive. Fingers crossed for you xx
Oh wow yeah similar losses to mine!! I’m so sorry to hear that but thank you for telling me about your little 3 week old that gives me a lot of hope!! Enjoy those cuddles!!! I’m def super healthy apart from the odd treat haha so I will deffo keep it up thank you! Xx