So I am currently taking cyclonest for a medicated FET. Just wondering people's opinions on if it's better to insert to the vagina or anus?
Cyclogest better front or back passage? - Fertility Network UK
Cyclogest better front or back passage?

I was initially taking it vaginally but switched to taking it rectally as it was irritating my cervix/vagina and led to a bit of bleeding in early pregnancy- I've found taking it rectally less messy & more convenient as I don't need to lie down afterwards to prevent the medicine from leaking. Each to their own though! Wishing you a successful FET xxx
If you are taking it rectally is it absorbing as well as when inserted vaginally? I was too worried it won't absorb as good or it will be too far? 😅
I do my rectally. Less mess and convenient! (Just take bowel movements into consideration)
The back door works better for me. Less messy.
Rectally - less messy and fewer risks of developing thrush or sebaceous cysts if you're prone to those.
Thanks all for replying. I am going to try rectally tonight. The things us women have to do 😂
Back end is less messy. Good luck! xx
I did my rectally it was much easier.
I did it rectally every single time as well, I couldn’t bear the thought of leaking and irritation at front… it’s very easy and you start to get a knack for doing it! Plus you can go about your day as normal straightaway x
I tend to alternate - rectally in the morning as it's less messy and then vaginally in the evening.
Back door everytime, it allows you to do it on the move, no mess and no risk of irritation and getting thrush! Good luck x
Apparently doesn't matter which ever way, back is cleaner but if you have any stomach issues normally you might want to try front. I don't like them at all, don't absorb properly and get reactions sometimes, but those side effects were really only evident this cycle and everyone is different so try something that suits you and ask for progesterone blood tests if you are worried. They don't cost that much and might help you make decisions or put your mind at rest. Good luck.