Hi, is there any of you who suffered from a number of implantation failures and finally achieved successful pregnancy by using intralipids / IVIG?
Any good (or bad) experiences of using them?
Hi, is there any of you who suffered from a number of implantation failures and finally achieved successful pregnancy by using intralipids / IVIG?
Any good (or bad) experiences of using them?
Yes! Me! Did 2x Intralipids and on 25mg prednisolone. Currently 5 weeks. 3 rounds of IVF and trying for 5 years. Only transfer I did with Intralipids. Could just be luck, or science 😊. Hope all goes well for you! X
Hello lovely,
I had 5 FETs all BFN, then tried the 6th with intralipids before transfer and 20mg steroids (with a euploid embryo) and it was successful.
That said, I have now done 2 FETs with exactly the same protocol and no joy. I am wondering if I need a higher dose of steroids this time as I read somewhere that after pregnancy your immune system can become even stronger...
Also, ask if they can give you a HCG shot at transfer. You may need to pay extra, but anything is worth a try!
haha! They didn’t tell you they gave it to you? Surprise! I had it included too and I’m 8 weeks. I think my body wasn’t a fan of embryos before 😄 X