Is it just me or does anyone else feel that before egg retrieval they’re actually going to burst. I have quite a high pain tolerance but at collection on Monday I was in so much discomfort my blood pressure hit the roof. I felt like I was the only woman on the ward desperate for my eggs to be taken ASAP. I had a lot of follicles (41) so not a lot going on but I’m wondering if the associated pain was normal?!
Egg Retrieval : Is it just me or does... - Fertility Network UK
Egg Retrieval

hi Toffepudding99, I’ve had 3 egg retrievals now & the only time I’ve felt like that I had mild OHSS. I had 38 follicles and they retrieved 13 eggs. I was quite sick after for a week or two with vomiting & bleeding/swelling etc so keep an eye on yourself this week xxx
Luckily no bleeding or vomiting- gosh that must’ve been awful for you. I just feel like I’m ready to go for collection again - I know that you’ll understand that feeling 😂 paracetamol is working but as it wears off I’m ready for more!!
Ooohhh huni keep an eye on this or call your clinic for advice. Sounds like you’re on the edge of OHSS. Lots of water and protein (you know the drill) rest too!!! I’ve just had a call from our clinic. We have 3 ‘good looking blasts’ we’ve decided to freeze all and are going to do another round and then hopefully PGTA test them all together xxx look after yourself xx
That’s excellent news - congrats. D-Day for me is Saturday. I’m hoping they despite lower results this time - and more bloody pain- after all the supplements I’ve taken I’ll get some hopeful results. Also will PGTa but will hopefully head straight to transfer on the cycle after results. My clinics package is to use what you get before another collection 🤞🏻
We’re not on a package so works out a lot more cost efficient to wait and test together. Keeping everything crossed for you Saturday. Let me know how you get on xxxx
Hi Chowlady14 - we have 4 plus a possible 2 for PGTa 🤞🏻 not the best grades but that doesn’t really mean a thing until biopsied x
Oh thank you so much for letting me know. Happy Mother’s Day what a wonderful update! So happy for you xxx
Hi! I felt the same way with 32 follicles and couldn't wait for them to take them out! I have PCOS and did develop mild OHSS 5 days after egg collection. Watch out for any unusual pains and cramps, they should be diminishing after egg collection, not getting worse. I was advised to go on a protein rich diet to mitigate the risk and later the effects of the OHSS - protein shakes and yoghurts a few times a day. Good luck! I hope you get lots of healthy little embies
I know your pain, I had I think 31 follicles with my last egg retrival but some of them were massive! It was so painful, and discomfort while walking was awful. Good luck on your retrival!
Did they test you for risk for OHSS?
That’s exactly what it is- not comfortable sitting but when I walk it’s like each foot hitting the floor is a punch to my ovaries. Gosh we are very strong women 💪🏻
No I wasn’t tested- I didn’t realise you could be. First round I had 30 and bounced back immediately- this time 41 and boy do I know it 😳 I thought having more was a positive but actually I’d rather less and the bounce back- esp as 16/42 were mature on this round and 25/30 on my first.