Hi everyone,This is my fifth and final transfer from donor eggs (an untested 6 day 4BA blast) and I can't help but think it didn't work because it's 5 days after my transfer and I feel nothing. The first transfer was an early loss (hcg was 50 and then started dropping) but even then I remember having to urinate frequently as one of my early signs of pregnancy. I had a positive pregnancy test strip 5 days after transfer. This time I'm afraid to test on my own and get a negative because I can't afford more IVF cycles. I have to wait 5 more days for my official beta test at clinic, but this was a hatching blastocyst so I assume it should have implanted right now. Trying to remain hopeful and would appreciate hearing any stories of success with no symptoms after transfer.
Anyone get a positive pregnancy test ... - Fertility Network UK
Anyone get a positive pregnancy test with zero symptoms after FET transfer?
My 6th transfer I had absolutely no symptoms at all. Not a twinge, no sickness, no peeing all the time, no sore boobs.... literally nothing.
I was blown away when it came back positive xx
My first positive result was on my 9th transfer and didn't have any symptoms so there is definitely hope!
Huge congratulations!! I had all the symptoms under the sun with my first transfer which sadly ended in a chemical, my second transfer I had 0 symptoms and couldn't believe the positive test! I went on to have the loveliest pregnancy and now have a happy healthy 9 month old 🥰
Best of luck xxx
I appreciate you sharing your story. I was feeling pretty down and convinced myself I'm getting a negative after not having any symptoms and seeing my Fitbit skin temp has been low at -0.4 last three days, but then today my skin temperature jumped to +1.1. Now reading your post and seeing that temp increase gave me hope. I have my beta test on a Monday so hoping I get my positive.
Is there update? I don't have any symptoms 7 days after day 5 embryo transfer 😢
So my result unfortunately was negative. It absolutely crushed me and after speaking to my doctor about the fresh donor egg cycle that resulted in 2 blasts (one 5 day 3AA that didn't implant) and the last 6 day 3 BA that just failed) I was even more upset because she said after I asked her to review the cycle that the fresh egg donor for some reason had poor quality eggs and all of them were already compacting and arresting on day 3 so I feel I didn't even have a chance. All that however is my story- not yours - and I understand some women on this forum said they had zero symptoms and went on to have healthy pregnancies. Also you said you have a 5 day blastocyst which is much more likely to be normal than my last untested 6 day blastocyst . Sending positive thoughts your way and hoping you get a positive beta test soon!