Currently 8 weeks and 4 days pregnant with zero symptoms. Up until a week ago the only symptom I had was ever so slightly sore boobs off and on every few days and now nothing. I’m having scans every 5 days or so because of my history but baby is looking good with a strong heartbeat. After 6 pregnancy losses I was terrified thinking ‘here we go again’ but thank God it’s ok so far. I just wanted to reassure any ladies out there that were in a crazy panic like me to relax and you can have a healthy pregnancy without any symptoms. I find out in 2 weeks if it’s a boy or girl 😊 via a Panorama blood test which will also tell me my risk factors of genetic and chromosomal disorders (similar test is ‘Harmony’) x
Reassuring all the ladies with zero s... - Fertility Network UK
Reassuring all the ladies with zero symptoms
Great news hun glad everything is going well, good luck with your tests also. Iv booked a gender scan for next week sat excited to find out.
Thanks lovely! How exciting!!! Let us know how you get on 😊😘xxx
Aww good to hear that everything is going well!
I don't have many symptoms either, apart from since yesterday I have a pain in my left nipple, especially when I bend down or sneeze and last night both my nipples were really hot! Weird. I don't feel sick.... Still a bit crampy and definitely still bloated! But I have no idea what is normal and what's not! It is reassuring to hear your experience xx
I’ve been a nervous wreck and if it wasn’t for the scans i’d still be worried. It sounds like you have got strong symptoms anyway but don’t worry about the lack of more because it doesn’t mean anything. Wishing you lots of luck xxx

Thank you. Lots of luck to you too! It's good you're having the scans, but can imagine the worry is still there! I've got my first one next week and if that goes well then I think I might pay for a private one, I don't think I could wait another five weeks for the next one.. 🤪 I think I'd go crazy!! Xx
Good luck for next week!! 🤞🏼 Let us know how it goes. I’m terrible, I’ve already had 3 scans lol worth every penny xxx

Yeh will do! I'm so scared that it's going to be bad news, been feeling quite down today. Just feeling quite negative! Did you have to pay for the scans then? Were they expensive? I've seen a place where I live that charge £89. Which I thought was reasonable... Xxx
Honestly ‘try’ to think positive 🙏🏼 I felt the same and have cried before all my scans expecting and fearing the worst until now, after no symptoms at all and good scans i feel much better. £89 is fab!! Mine is done by my Consultant so a lot more but I know the place you mean, they have branches everywhere so do it!! Better than feeling anxious xxx
What a lovely (and bloody reassuring!) post. Thank you and best of luck xx
😘 thanks Nona! I’d spend hours on those forums getting more and more worried because everyone would say they don’t have any symptoms apart from sore boobs, nausea etc. In other words no reassurance at all!! Xxx
So nice to hear and happy for you, enjoy your symptom-free pregnancy!!!
Great news, I am a nervous wreck nearly 7 weeks have symptoms but spotting everyday xx
Hi Sienna, congratulations!! I was spotting for a few days and then bright red blood but it disappeared when I increased my progesterone suppositories and I was put on bedrest until it stopped. What have your clinic/Dr said? Xxx

I have a scan tomorrow and if all ok going to see if I can be put on bed rest
Hope the scan goes well 🤞🏼 You might not need bedrest but it’s important to take it easy, no lifting and rest as must as possible. I found I bled more when I was more active which is scary but the progesterone sorted it xxx

What did they increase it to the progesterone
Fab news. And so good to hear. I just got a BFP and it’s early days but I don’t feel anything at all. It hasn’t really sunk in and I want to feel something different so I know it’s real. Best wishes for continued success 🙏
Thanks so much and best wishes to you too!! There’s lots of ladies who have zero symptoms and nothing wrong so please try not to stress 😘xxx
Thank you for this, I’m nine weeks two days and my symptoms have eased, I’ve been in a real tizz about it. Thankfully seeing midwife tomorrow but this post is also reassuring x
So happy I’ve reassured you a bit! All fingers crossed for tomorrow 🤞🏼 I’m sure everything will be perfect 🙏🏼Xxx
I’m so pleased everything is going well 😊and Thank you for the post just when I needed it most ... currently 12 weeks... my scan is next Tuesday after having a missed miscarriage in November I am petrified... your post helped 😊
Bless you 😘 good luck for your scan!! All fingers and toes crossed 🙏🏼 I’ve had 2 missed miscarriages and I had strong symptoms with both so doesn’t mean a thing! Every pregnancy is different xxx
So pleased it’s going well for you 😊 Wishing you a very happy & healthy rest of pregnancy xx
Thank you so much!! You too lovely 🙏🏼😘xxx
Aww good to hear that everything is going well. Let us know how it goes. Wishing you a very happy & healthy rest of pregnancy xx
Thanks so much 😘
How wonderful for you 😘 so reassuring after everything you've been through xxx
Sorry only just seen this 😘
this has reassured me loads because I have my 7 week scan on Monday and the only symptom I have had really is fatigue and sore breasts - which seem to have gone off slightly and its made my already bad anxiety go into over drive.
Glad things worked out alright for you xxx
So happy I have reassured you! Fatigue and sore boobs are 2 strong symptoms. Mine disappeared completely and I freaked out, crying as I waited for my scan fearing what I thought was inevitable but all was ok. Good luck on Monday please let me know how you get on 🙏🏼🤞🏼😘xxx