Hi Im on day 6 after my 5 day blastocyte FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer) and feeling no symptoms at all, just breast tenderness. I had no spotting, nothing, feel totally normal. Is this cause for concern? Has anyone felt nothing and had BFP (Big Fat Positive Pregnancy Test)
No Symptoms -Day 6 after FET - Fertility Network UK
No Symptoms -Day 6 after FET

Yes! Please try not to look into the symptoms or lack of too much. It adds additional stress at a very difficult time. Will be thinking of you.xx
Hi I had IVF last year after 9 miscarriages (early stages) due to endometriosis. The symptom I had was breast tenderness and a week after embryo transfer a prickly feeling in my nipples. But that was it. I am currently feeding my 8 month old baby girl. I don’t want to give false hope but please know anything is still possible. I ate pineapple with core and Brazil nuts too as it’s supposed to aid implantation ?! and had a session of acupuncture. Who knows if it helped but it can’t hurt. All the best
I had a FET last Friday the 2ww does drag........ I feel no symptoms either and it’s hard because we want to feel symptoms we want to feel something. I put a post on yesterday saying 2ww driving me crazy and it helped me a lot and the following was mentioned which reassured me. At this stage it’s too early for hcg and if a woman had conceived naturally she would not have any symptoms yet. Most women don’t get any symptoms until after 6 weeks.
We are in the same boat waiting and I pray we are both blessed with Bfp 🤞
Try and stay positive I know it’s hard but that’s all we can do xxx

Hey Destined, Did you POAS yet? Or get blood work done? I POAS on the 10th day and I got a BFP!!!! My blood work is in 4 days this Friday 7/27/18. Please pray my baby is healthy and continues to grow! Yahh! Baby dust. BTW I'm 36, had prior 4 miscarriages. This will be my first baby God willing.
I pray your baby continues to grow and be healthy. Wishing you both the very best hun 🙏
Breast tenderness is a symptom!! especially with an FET. Progesterone has never given me tender boobs when I’ve had a bfn but I always have slight boob tenderness off and on when it’s a bfp. Remember it’s still too early to be producing adequate hcg for strong symptoms. Mine started at 8 weeks pregnant. I have zero patience and would have POAS this am but if you do use a frer. Good luck xxx
Hello GirlWaiting , I'm 4dp5dt with absolutely zero symptoms. I cried my eyes out last night and have half given up in my head. Thanks for your post as it has kept me positive! It appears that a lot of people have no symptoms. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for our bfp's x
IVF Cycle 1:
A day after 5 Day blastocyst FET I had severe pains in the uterus. Couple of days before the HCG Beta test I noticed that the area around my nipple were darker. Other than these I had no symptoms. Sadly, I had a miscarriage around week 8.
IVF Cycle 2:
No symptoms for 4 days after 5 Day blastocyst FET. From day 5 the only symptoms I had until the day before HCG Beta testing were Bloating, spice craving and increased thirst. Just the day before HCG Beta, I had a 5 second dizziness episode and a very minor pain in my breasts (on a scale of 10 I would describe the pain as 1). I got a BFP couple of days ago and I am 4 weeks 2 days pregnant now. Please bless me and my baby.
I am 7day transform embryo the first 2 day little feeling good after no symptoms😩 at all please pray today bleed work 😣