I had a scan today to check to see if some fluid in my uterus had cleared up. At my last scan my lining was 8.6mm and I was put on progesterone and told that my lining would not shrink now. I saw a different Dr today and was alarmed when she said my lining was "6.4mm" she then spent about 2 minutes silently scanning me whilst I came to accept that my lining was too thin and silently gave myself a hard pep talk about being patient and how it wasn't the end of the world. Then she said the fluid had gone and that I could go ahead with the transfer. She explained that they don't normally scan the day before transfer and that the lining shrinks a bit due to the progesterone but that it was behaving as it should and as they know it reached 8.6mm this isn't a problem. I'm pleased to be moving forward but I do wish that other Dr hadn't said this wouldn't happen and that my lining was still 8.6mm. She said it wouldn't change by tomorrow and didn't seem remotely concerned about it. I just have to trust them and trust that my body will do as it's meant to. Has anyone else experienced similar???
Update- transfer confirmed, thinnish ... - Fertility Network UK
Update- transfer confirmed, thinnish lining though
I was told that the lining compacts when you start progesterone. They want it at more than 7mm and triple layered before that time ideally x x
Thanks for replying. I think it's a bit odd that the Dr I last saw said it wouldn't get any thinner because I asked that question. I'd have been much less shocked if she'd explained that this can happen but doesn't really matter. The Dr today did explain this to me and I understood but I have since googled and read studies that say this isn't ideal and others saying it has no impact on pregnancy and miscarriage risk. I need to chill out and step away from Google.
Hi . 8.6mm is not so bad. We aim for a minimum of 8mm which is ok. I would be happy with yours. Hope all goes well, and your little embryo likes its new home. Diane
It’s not 8.6mm anymore though it’s shrunk because of the progesterone. I would love it to still be 8.6mm. I just have to trust the process and my body. Thanks for the well wishes
I researched and it’s called endometrial compaction I think. This scan was done after progesterone was given and she said it was 8.6mm when it needed to be (pre progesterone) and that the progesterone can shrink it but it’s fine. So last week it was 8.6mm but I had fluid in my womb so I had an extra scan today to check for that and the fluid is gone. She said the lining won’t change by tomorrow. I am on evorel patches and 5 progynovas per day which worked until the progesterone kicked in. I will see what happens tomorrow and might ask about my lining again to get another opinion (I go elsewhere for my transfer). I did some research before and endometrial compaction post progesterone was associated with higher pregnancy rates in several studies. I’d still prefer it be over 7mm 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
Hi there
Please advise what happend with your transfer I am in almost exactly the same boat now…. Unfortunately I just had EC today … and doctor said I still have fluid in uterus and my lining is getting thinner ..I just started crinone gel and estrogen tablets…. I am really freaking out as he said I may need to freeze all and transfer next cycle which is not what I want. Ive never had lining issues before but then again I am over 40 now
Please please can you update me on your situation
Much appreciated
So sorry for the super slow response. I had my transfer. It didn’t work though and I’ve since spoken to the consultant and he said on both transfers my lining has been on the thinner side and that this ought to be addressed moving forward. Did you have your transfer?
Hi I am so sorry to hear it didnt work, hopefully you get the right protocol that will help with the lining, I did end up doing the transfer as the lining improved however I was put on hcg boosters from transfer onwards
What does a hcg booster do? I’m okay about the transfer failing now. I’m putting my energy into doing stuff I wouldn’t necessarily do if I was pregnant. When did you do your transfer? X
Oh thats good to hear….Transferred on 17/04 Hcg boosters are meant to help with implantation I have had a few failed transfers unfortunately
I will look into Hcg boosters. Best of luck with your journey moving forward. If you get good news feel welcome to share it. I enjoy a success story! xxxxx
Hi a little update my beta was a negative 🥲🥲heartbroken looks like the hcg booster did nothing
That really sucks 😔😔😔😔. It’s so brutal, I’m sorry to be reading this xxxx
Thank you … IVF is a heartless B#%##€ … sorry im not in a good space today
You’re bound not to be in a good space today. It’s absolutely soul destroying. It’s like a constant battle with setback after setback and then moments of hope and excitement that then lead to a crash back to reality. All the while everyone else appears to be getting pregnant without any effort. So yeah, don’t apologise to me because there’s really no need ♥️
the 7mm standard lining is only until start of progestrone.