hi everyone, BFN today following a frozen transfer (it was a day 6, good quality embryo - not sure of the exact grading). I was told the embryo thawed perfectly and was hatching before transferred. My lining was 7.4 before I started the progesterone which I thought was borderline but the nurse used the words “textbook” and “perfect” so I was really hopeful. I will be calling the clinic up Monday to discuss next steps, I just wondered if anyone could give any advice on what to ask / any extra tests before a new cycle?
For context this was our first round of IVF, my partner found out in July 2022 he had no sperm (zero!) and we were referred to our local fertility clinic. During the 7 month wait for our referral appointment, he researched and stopped using a testosterone gel he had been prescribed by a doctor 2 years prior as it can effect sperm production (no mention of this when prescribed). At the beginning of 2023, he has a repeat semen analysis and sperm (albeit an extremely low amount) was found and we were told we were on the waiting list for icsi. We did our first cycle in October 2023 and collected 18 eggs, 12 mature, 6 fertilised and got 1 x day 5 embryo (fresh transfer failed) and then the FET I mention which has also failed.
I’m so sorry for the long post and I’m not even sure what I’m asking but I’ve found so much comfort in reading others stories on here.
If anyone has any advice on what tests we could do before going in to another round, I’d be so grateful. Thank you xxx