Hi all, just found out my 4th transfer has failed. I just turned 40. We had 3 failed FETs previously - one resulted in a chemical. We then did a duostim resulting in 11 blastocysts and three were found to be eupolid after PGT-A testing. This time it was a 5AA PGT-A normal natural transfer. I had a hysteroscopy before my transfer and everything looked fine. I’m just looking for advice on where to turn/ what to ask next?
4th Failed FET: Hi all, just found out... - Fertility Network UK
4th Failed FET

I'm really sorry to hear about your losses. I'm sure lots of people here are having the same issues and can give good advice. But I was thinking along the lines of exploring the uterine environment more so the EMMA ERA ALICE tests and they could explore any immunological issues such as high levels of NK cells. Hope that helps x
I am really sorry to hear that, it’s so devastating. I’m sure there’s lots of ladies here that can offer some more advice. For me, my progesterone was too low, is this something you have had checked? I know it sounds obvious but I only had mine checked because I asked the clinic too. I hope you get some more answers for your own piece of mind, and look after yourself at the moment. Xx
Hi, sorry to hear this.
Have had any add ones, like clexane and aspirin. Or extra progesterone? How many pessaries were you on? Maybe consider a medicated cycle instead of natural?
I had 4 failed fresh transfers and my one and only frozen transfer worked; it was a medicated cycle and I took estrogen before the transfer. I'm lying down next to my almost 7 month old baby who I had last year, 4 weeks before my 44th birthday.
Best wishes xx
I'm so sorry to hear. I had three failed transfers of good quality euploid embryos from donor eggs. Then I had two other failed transfers with donor egg embryos- one which was the best quality we ever had a 5 day untested 3AA. I had gotten biopsies done for endometritis prior which were negative and my HSG had saline sonograms were also normal. It wasn't until I changed to another clinic and she ordered the Receptiva DX (a third biopsy) that they found inflammatory markers for suspected endometriosis. I was treated for silent endometriosis with three months of Lupron. She also ordered some bloodwork for me and my husband and said that because we were a partial DQ alpha match my body was rejecting these embryos so autoimmune treatment (IVIG) which I couldn't afford was needed. To start for you I would ask the doctor about testing for endometriosis and endometritis. There are some people like myself that have regular periods without any pain which typically is a symptom of endometriosis but do have endometriosis that can cause infertility. I hope we both get to have a healthy pregnancy. Wishing you the best!
my heart goes out to you, I’m suffering failed fourth cycle. Afterwards it feels sad and confusing. I’ve been advised to have pgt-a testing reading your post it’s no guarantee. I’d be surprised if your clinic didn’t already check your progesterone levels. What other things did they test in regards to your endometrium. If like me your feeling flat also keen to find the answers, my advice is make sure you get time off to rest, be in peaceful setting. Eat well, sleep well, take some walks. Follow up with clinic on your question. What did they check, what they would advise differently, is it just numbers game…I do wish you well, xx