hi all our second transfer has failed (frozen). Our first (fresh) ended in a mmc. What should our next steps be? We have one frozen embryo left and then our nhs cycle is over. The fet this time was completely natural as I have regular cycles but I’m thinking of asking about progesterone. Thanks
failed fet: hi all our second transfer... - Fertility Network UK
failed fet

Hi. Oh dear. Hope you manage to find support. Do you know if your Fallopian tubes are patent, so no excess lubrication can leak into your womb to possibly interfere with implantation. Also maybe a hysteroscopy to check your womb and biopsy the lining. Hope this last little one stays and continues to grow as it should. Diane
Hi, I was exactly the same as you first, miscarriage and second failed, it is very hard when you feel disappointed, but you will grow stronger and get there, the clinic should of rang you and give you an appointment to discuss what could of caused the failed transfer, (mine said both times it was egg quality even though they were good before transfer) she also suggested I do a test for thrombophilia a blood clotting condition which I came back positive so maybe you could ask for that if you haven't already? She's also added extra progestrone injections for extra support on top of cyclogest and pessaries so there are lots of questions and suggestions you can ask, good luck sending you lots of luck on your next cycle!
Thanks so much for this and I’m sorry to hear you are going through the same. I will add this to my questions. I’m wondering definitely about the blood clotting. How do you know about your egg quality? I’m 37 so this is prob an issue for me too, I can’t remember what my AMH was but it was over a year ago now. I do know it was on the low side of normal
I'm not to sure there is a test for egg quality only for how many you have left, when you have your embryos though they tell you whether they are good quality or poor quality which they told me my 2 were good quality but obviously they wasn't because they wasn't successful or could of been because the blood condition, which they didn't know at that time, I just took a note book with a load of questions until I felt satisfied, hope you get the answers you want xx
I went through ivf abroad and they check progesterone levels as standard…. They don’t in the uk. My progesterone was really low after transfer and I was put immediately onto lunion injections to increase my progesterone levels. I also had a hysteroscopy and an op to have platelets taken from my blood injected into my lining to thicken it as my endometrial lining wasn’t thick enough. Again this is a procedure done abroad (Spain), my consultant in the uk had never heard of it.
My baby girl is now 20 weeks old! I was told that low progesterone levels can prevent implantation. Best of luck x
Thanks for this. I do find it strange they don’t check progesterone levels routinely. They said my lining was looking really good so I assumed it wouldn’t be a problem but I’m thinking now maybe it is. I think they might be dropping before the embryo even has chance to implant but I don’t know.
Im so glad to hear of you success 💗