Update: scan today. Still small sac. Embryo still 6 days behind. Measuring 6weeks 5 days but should be 7 weeks 4 days. But heartbeat is now 145. Up from last time. And embryo has grown. It was 0.38cm last week and it’s 0.79cm now. So it could still go either way… gotta have another scan in a week. So scary….
I’m very anxious. From the moment I got my bfp it’s been scary news.. my hcg has risen too slowly and my fertility specialist was pretty worried. He gave me a scan because he was worried that my pregnancy was not progressing. So at 6 weeks 4 days I had a scan and turns out that my sac is small and my embryo is measuring 5 days behind.
So it’s measuring 5 weeks 6 days.
But it has a strong heartbeat of 128beats.
So now I have to have a repeat scan on Tuesday. That’ll be 7 weeks 4 days.
It could go either way I know. Just looking for some positive stories from anyone who had a small sac and slow growing embryo…
The wait is so painful