chemical pregnancy - when to stop Cyc... - Fertility Network UK

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chemical pregnancy - when to stop Cyclogest?

BethanyDavey profile image
9 Replies

Hi everyone,

I was showing positive 14dpt after my FET and now it’s 17dpt and my big fat positive is slowly fading away. I now have a very very faint positive which can only be seen if you squint hard enough - jus for some context my bloods were 34 IU/L so I did expect this with such low initial HCG blood results. I suspect this will be another chemical for me.

I am still currently taking cyclogest pessaries twice a day. I feel like all I am doing is delaying my body doing what it naturally needs to do. Does anybody know when I should stop taking the pessaries? Or what the advice is around this?

Also, does anybody know how long I have to wait after a chemical to have another FET?

I also have a slight concern that it may be ectopic and not chemical - I don’t have any symptoms of that but is there anything my clinic should be doing to rule out ectopic? Or will my body just know what to do if it is?

Any advice will be greatly appreciated!!

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BethanyDavey profile image
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9 Replies
Cutecolliedog profile image

Sorry to hear about your loss 😢 it’s horrible isn’t it when you have that initial hope that it is going to work and potentially you might get a baby xx

I would definitely contact your clinic and let them know and they may want to repeat your bloods to confirm that it’s a chemical before stopping medication? This will also give you piece of mind that it isn’t ectopic. Sometimes the progesterone can stop the bleeding and delay things.

Every clinic is different for how long between transfers so again worthwhile asking them! I know some people can go again straight away next cycle but my clinic make us wait 3/4 mths which is just horrible when you just want to go again xx

BethanyDavey profile image
BethanyDavey in reply to Cutecolliedog

Thank you for your comment. Yeah I’m going to contact our clinic regarding repeat bloods. I’d really like to just get straight going with the next one. We’ve been delayed previously with other medical issues so I just want to keep the rollercoaster going now if I can! And what a rollercoaster it is! Thanks again

MrsOrangejuice profile image

I'm sorry it's gone this way. First time my clinic were pretty harsh when I called in concerned to say the lines were a bit lighter, and they just said stop taking the meds, no tests, no HCGs and no follow-up. The next time (different clinic) they asked me to continue on the meds until I'd had a repeat HCG to confirm it wasn't rising and was going down. My GP was also monitoring then and said they wanted to see the HCG below 5 to know nothing was retained and that I was likely to start ovulating again. I think you need to speak to your clinic or at least your GP to get their advice and don't just stop the meds without checking, but I entirely understand how you're feeling and it may be they say have another HCG then stop, or they may say stop and see if you have the withdrawal bleed a couple of days later and that's enough to confirm.

BethanyDavey profile image
BethanyDavey in reply to MrsOrangejuice

Thank you, yes I think I would prefer, like you say, to have a Hcg blood test to confirm. I just didn’t want to delay the inevitable withdrawal bleed. Are you the lady that had a chemical but went on to have a successful pregnancy? I need a positive story like this to focus on right now 😊

MrsOrangejuice profile image
MrsOrangejuice in reply to BethanyDavey

Yes, I felt like that the second early loss (first time I didn't have a clue tbh and just did as I was instructed without question) - I knew it wasn't viable and I wanted to get it over with and start preparing for the next transfer, even if that sounds a bit cold. But in hindsight I'm glad they monitored as there's always a chance or on the other hand there can be complications like retained products. I had two early losses then my little girl, then a later loss/PUL and then a BFN, and am now 6mnths. So it's worked third time twice if that makes sense, and both of those successful ones they've been the month after an unsuccessful transfer/loss. So it's not the most positive story insofar as it didn't work first time or every time for me, but it did work despite losses and failures so keep the hope, it's what kept me going x

BethanyDavey profile image
BethanyDavey in reply to MrsOrangejuice

Ahh ok, bless you, what a journey you’ve had. Thank you for sharing it with me.

I have had contact from my clinic today, the nurse advised ‘in her opinion’ to keep taking medication for another week and test again in a week. I feel really frustrated with this response and the lack of acknowledgement of the chemical at this stage. It’s almost as if they’re afraid to pass any opinion. I just want the truth. It’s clear this pregnancy is not viable and when I said this, she did agree/ understand.

I’ve decided to have another HCG blood test Wednesday, and in the meantime continue my medication.

I wish my clinic offered me a more structured and decisive approach, I’ve read that it can take up to 6 weeks for all the HCG to go. But whilst ever I’m taking progesterone I’m delaying the inevitable. I can’t grieve for this embryo and the possibility of what could’ve been while ever it’s still with me. I don’t feel like I’ve given up, I feel like I’m just being realistic. My clinic tent to throw the decision making back into my court which makes me question my next steps. I wonder if you’d ever experienced this time of confusion from your clinic and questioning of when to just stop?

And yes, like you said above I want to let this pass so that I can get my body ready for my next FET as soon as I’m mentally and physically ready x

MrsOrangejuice profile image
MrsOrangejuice in reply to BethanyDavey

I think the hcg will help you and the clinic know what to do as if it's dropped a lot or very low, they should say be able to say stop the meds and let it go naturally, whereas if it's similar or going up but not doubling it may mean you need to involve your GP. And yes, it drives me crackers when the clinic just says something unhelpful and generic like take another urine test in a week. I felt totally abandoned and not supported by my NHS clinic - that's who I was with the first early loss and then the PUL. The PUL was the worst as they said they didn't know how to interpret HCGs, really questioned me on who 'told me' have them done and made me feel like I had done something wrong, and kept saying just test again in a week. Actually that situation became quite dangerous and they were not equipped to advise, and it was a combination of a private sonographer, my GP and this forum that helped me get the treatment I needed. Hopefully it's not like that for you at all and when you get your HCG you're in the best situation where things have turned around, or at the other end it's definitely gone or going - then you know. Also if your starting number was 34 and it's not been going up then it should drop pretty quickly - maybe a few days to a week. Normally the slow drops or longer timeframes are when there's been more development and a higher level, but I guess it can depend. I hope you get some clarity in a few days x

BethanyDavey profile image
BethanyDavey in reply to MrsOrangejuice

I understand what you mean. I do have concerns about a PUL. My clinic is private as we’re not funded on the NHS but they don’t do the HCG bloods (well they do but it’s £70 a blood test, so we’ve sourced them elsewhere. I hope my bloods on Wednesday are definitive and like you say offer us clarity.

I understand the PUL can be extremely dangerous too, they’ve told us to look out for symptoms.

I understand the HCG needs to completely go for them to be convinced it isn’t PUL is that right?

MrsOrangejuice profile image
MrsOrangejuice in reply to BethanyDavey

With my PUL the levels went above 3,000 and I think it tends to be with the higher numbers where they get concerned as that's when there's been some meaningful development that could cause complications (the two prior losses never got above 70 and 30 and they went on their own very quickly) but am not certain and anyway the PUL one started in the 30s - it was the lack of consistency in the rises that indicated PUL or ectopic I think. My GP and private clinic wanted to see the HCG dropping significantly and then going to below 10, ideally less than 5. But a lot of clinics will see the drop or lack of progression and say stop the meds and when you get a bleed (usually a couple of days later) that's sufficient. So I think wait for the HCG and see what that is. But it's a horrible wait x

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