Hello fellow IVF warriors.
Apologies, I know Emma / Alice testing gets posted a lot but I would value any similar experiences.
Quick back story - Miscarriage December 2022 (untested embryo, age 41) and 2 egg collections and 2 FET since both with euploid embryos. Didn’t even make it to OTD (upped progesterone on second FET too) and bled 5dp5dt both times. I have a niche from previous c section which produces fluid hence why all transfers were FET (fluid dries after taking progesterone) as oestrogen medication likely makes it worse. Anyway, had laparoscopic surgery in October to repair the niche. Fast forward to now and the niche is now very small but still producing a bit of fluid and our medicated EndomeTrio has just been cancelled and our clinic want to try natural cycle as they think the Progynova creates more fluid but they said that if the fluid is gone then they would do a transfer and would not recommend the Emma / Alice in this case. I’m so confused as surely if I have an infection / low good bacteria it would be the same whether it’s a medicated cycle or natural? I just don’t know what to do - try a transfer (if fluid is gone) without testing or push for Emma / Alice. I know ERA isn’t as relevant in natural cycle (& I’ve had 2 pregnancies - 1 living child on standard 5 day progesterone) I also know these tests are red on HFEA website.
We have two PGTA embryos left then that’s it sadly so I’m scared they’ll just fail again so want to do a natural cycle as never done one before but I just don’t know whether to do Emma / Alice (necessary/ waste of money)
Also to add to the total mess of my IVF journey, after my laparoscopy in October I was prescribed antibiotics and then the canesflor vaginal probiotics as there was ‘cultures’ in my urine (no UTI and they think just sample contamination) but I took them anyway and I’m led to believe that the medication for whatever they find in Emma / Alice is just that. Arghhhhhhhhhh.
Any thoughts at all? Anyone been in a similar situation? Sorry for the long post and thank you if you’ve read this far.
Wishing everyone all the luck for the year ahead xxx