Good morning all,So I had my fresh transfer last Monday and today I'm 8dp5dt and as I've been having a bit of a wobble I wanted to do a pregnancy blood test a bit earlier. My OTD is Friday so I was hoping to do the blood test on Wednesday (this was an option at my previous IVF clinic). Just called my current clinic and they said they don't normally do pregnancy blood tests and if I did want one I would only be able to have it on my OTD and I would need to pay for it myself. As my OTD is a Friday, I very much doubt they will give me an answer by end of Friday (this is going from previous experience recently when I had a progesterone blood test done which they said would be same day results and it wasn't). I will then spend the weekend in an absolute mess waiting for my clinic to reopen on Monday. I would like to avoid this if possible!
I'm so torn on what to do. Do I just do a urine pregnancy test on Friday (maybe I buy a few different brands) and just accept that result whatever it is? I guess I'm so worried they will be false negatives and then I stop the pessaries over the weekend and my period starts. Am I overthinking this??