It's been a very long journey. We have been trying for 2.5 years including 1 year of IVF. I have stage 4 endo, hypothyroidism and fibroids. I had 3 natural cycles resulting in 2 grade A embryos. First fet failed and second I lost at 5.5 weeks. I'm fed up, angry and lost. I thought this would be our baby but I was wrong. I don't know when I will try again, but wanted advice on clinics, protocols and dhea. I'm exhausted. Thanks for any advice.
Miscarriage after FET: It's been a very... - Fertility Network UK
Miscarriage after FET

I stand along side you in your pain….so sorry to hear this. I’m on my second cycle of FET.
Are you taking thyroxine for the hypo? And maybe check your vitamin D levels and if they can do a genetic test to check whether you have any folate absorption issues? They tested me, I had decent Vit D levels but was partly positive for a gene that could cause difficulty in folate production. So I’m also taking a pre natal supplement with methyl folate.
Sending you a lot of love and peace and success!
Thank you ill check my tests results again
In this journey, it’s so nerve wrecking as it is…..and one wonders did they do enough of this, or they shouldn’t have done this etc etc. please don’t beat yourself up, all any of us can do is the best we can, in that moment of time. Wishing you peace and successes!
Also, one more thing that I’ve been trying is doing acupuncture. Suggestions have been to start about 2-3 months before FET and also just after. I have been having regular sessions, which I am hoping will help.
So sorry to hear this. Sending you positivity and strength. x
hi, sorry to hear your journey has been so tough, we have been trying for over 8 years, he has very low sperm count and I have stage 4 endo, I've had two laparoscopies and currently on 4th round of IVF with a frozen transfer and currently 5 weeks and 2 days pregnant. I went down a rabbit hole on medical journals before this round because I was fed up doing the same protocols always ending negatively. I requested antibiotics this round, 14 days of Doxycycline and metronidazole to reduce inflammation from the endo up until transfer day, I am also on lubion injections every 3 days along with cyclogest pessaries 3 times a day. I miscarried at 6 weeks in the summer so I don't know if this round will work, it definitely is our last chance but I can content myself that we have done everything we can. I went gluten and egg free which I really think helped the endo flare ups along with all the usual no alcohol and I've really limited sugar intake and there has been no obvious sign of any endo in my scans. I really wish u all the best and be kind to urself x
Wishing you all the best with your pregnancy. Can i ask you what clinic you are with? Ive never heard of antibiotics, but have been on lubion, pesseries, blood thinners and steriods!
I am with TFP fertility. I am lucky that the consultant I have is very open minded and is willing to try different things, others haven't been so obliging. I think the antibiotic treatment is standard for pelvic inflammatory disease etc and the study I found evidenced positive results alongside IVF treatment. I believe the endo is an autoimmune /inflammatory key factor for implantation failure and early bleeding in pregnancy, I don't think it is given enough consideration in IVF treatment tbh. they can cut out what they can see in a laparoscopy but the underlying cause of the condition is still there...just my thoughts but to me it makes some sense! if you want I can forward your the medical journals I found, they are from studies in 2023 so very up to date!
yes please send the article links
Can you send them to me aswell. Thanks in advance and Good luck xxxx

I'm sure you could find some others on that site...good luck!!
Hey marns thansk for sharing. I also have endo and am planning my 3rd transfer - I’ve been prescribed 2 x weeks of doxycycline but not metronidazole - should I ask for this too? Does it treat a different infection? Do you mind me asking if you took a probiotic after you finished the course? X

hey, I'm not sure if it treats anything different but I know the two are often used together? maybe it's something you should ask about, my sister works in sexual health and said they often prescribe the two together.
I took a probiotic daily in-between the antibiotic doses. at least an hour after my morning antibiotic. I read up about it online and it said this what was recommended.
I'm sorry for what you've been through, we were trying for 10+ years (including when our IVF treatment was cancelled and delayed due to lockdown...) - I had two early losses after fresh transfers around 5 and 6 weeks, and it knocked me as we were told our embryos were 'perfect' and despite having had endo when I was younger, recent laps had shown no scarring or signs of it recurring. And we were just 'unexplained'. It was hard to hear at the but our consultants thought getting as far as succesful implantation was a good sign as it ruled out so much. One also said that for a couple with no known issues and age not being a factor, he'd be looking at 1 in 3 transfers being successful, which was about the same as natural conception/pregnancy rates (just I guess a lot of women don't know they've even had implantation or test so early to know it hadn't worked). We were told to keep going on the basis it's just numbers, although I did ask they go through every single test and investigation before our next transfer - didn't come up with much bar progesterone, but not even sure it was that. The next one (first FET worked). Since then in the space of 6mnths it's been another fresh transfer of the one egg we got on a new collection round, which ended in a PUL and surgery around 10 weeks, a BFN on a FET and now pregnant naturally for the first time ever. So I hated the numbers theory and the losses are hard, plus it's a huge mental and financial load, but it's now been third time 'lucky' twice for us. So I wouldn't be disheartened and assume it won't ever happen (definitely how I was feeling after the second loss), although it sounds like you have a lot to contend with with endo and other conditions and it may be there is something more they can try, so maybe just grill the consultants to make sure nothing's being missed, then carry on if and when you're ready.
This post actually made me smile. I love that you fell pregnant naturally. Im not in a great place and feeling very sad. Please can I ask what clinic you went with?
Am so glad if it gave you even a little cheer in what I know is a horrible place. The first loss was the worst for me as I thought we'd finally cracked it and I took us so long to get to that point, and it's very hard on your body, and I'd never had a BFP before ever and it didn't occur to me it could just go. I'll PM you the clinic name as not sure we're meant to mention on the public forum (although not saying they were great - just miles better than the NHS clinic we were with first, and ultimately it worked once with them so...). This natural pregnancy is the biggest shock - I only found out as I was having a blood test in preparation for yet another FET and my progesterone was very high, but I still refused to test for ages (I'd googled high progesterone and decided I had cancer because that was more likely in my mind). My consultant wasn't remotely surprised and said it's actually quite common and no-one knows why. There's so much in all this that can't be explained and it's so unpredictable, and that is also what makes it just so hard and feel so unfair x
Honestly, these stories make my see some glimmer even if im not quite there. Can I ask your age? Thank you in advance for sharing the clinic.
So sorry to hear 😞 I also have endo and failed transfers so understand your sadness. Hoping you find the strength to continue ♥️