Has anyone been successful in having a success with the first frozen embryo transfer after having a missed miscarriage? I would like to try the next cycle and any positive stories would be so helpful.
Successful FET after missed miscarriage - Fertility Network UK
Successful FET after missed miscarriage
We were successful with our first FET after our 1st fresh cycle ended with a miscarriage @6wks june last year.
We wasted no time and began our frozen cycle as soon as it was safe to do so. My treatment was tweaked a little (prednisone steroids included) and we now have a 8 week old baby boy.
There was light at the end of my tunnel... All the best continuing your journey, its hard but please stay positive, it really can happen.
Lots of love x
Thank you so much for your reply! It’s given me so much of a hope. The frozen embryo transfer cycle takes as long as the fresh cycle ? Or is or shorter than that ?
I’m currently 27 weeks with our FET which we did on the first cycle after my MMC so it definitely can happen 😊.
Sending lots of luck and positive vibes to you ♥️ x
Thank you so much for your reply! Really gives me a lot of hope. Is the cycle for frozen embryo transfer shorter than the fresh cycle ?
Yes I did 🥰sending you baby dust ❤️ xx
We were successful with our fet on our first cycle after 2 miscarriages and 1 etopic pregnancy. After the constant disappointment we decided to do ivf and we were fortunate it worked on our first try. I'm currently 22weeks pregnant.
Congratulations! I wish you a safe and happy pregnancy 😊 thank you for your reply.