just that really - how many eggs fertilised on day 1 make it to day 3? Had egg collection yesterday, 2 eggs retrieved and told this morning one had fertilised - transfer scheduled for Monday and wondering if it’s likely to make it til then? Tia
fertilised egg - how many make it to ... - Fertility Network UK
fertilised egg - how many make it to day 3?

I had one egg fertilise one round and it made it all the way to day 5, sadly didn’t result in a pregnancy but it made it to blast. Good luck x
mine didn’t work out, but I had 4 mature, 3 fertilise and 2 make it to day 5 xx
I had 4 eggs retrieved, 3 were mature. 2 fertilised (1 didnt). Both embryos made it to day 4 but none of them made it to a blastocyst. The clinic said if the embryos were transferred on day 3, they would have not survived anyway. But that is just my story and it was my first IVF cycle (I am 41). There is always a hope, your situation could be different to mine. You just need one mirracle egg and one mirracle sperm. Good luck on your journey!
In my experience and from what I have read, mist fertilised eggs make it to day 3
It’s from 3 to 5 a lot can fail
Best of luck 🤞
thanks all, holding on hope that they make it to transfer at least xx
Just wanted to send you 🤞🏼 to get to transfer. X
Most fertilised eggs make it to day 3 but then drop off after that. Day 3 transfers are the best option when there aren't many. This happened to me on my last 2 rounds out of 5 and I was devastated at first. The embryologist assured me all transfers used to be on day 3 until approximately 10 years ago. My last round where only 1/5 eggs fertilised resulted in my first pregnancy and I'm now 28weeks. Try and trust the process but it is a worrying time. Wishing you the very best of luck xx
I’m on day 1 today, same waiting for the result😔
fingers crossed yours will make it to transfer, you’re nearly there