Hi everyone. I have turned 39. I have endo and hypothyroidism. TTC for 2 years. Started Ivf last year with two embryos after natural modified cycle. First Fet failed. Disappointed is an understatement but considering taking Dhea and consider another cycle before Fet. I am so exhausted by this and would love to hear if it worked for you. It's been a hard journey.
Dhea and Ivf advice please: Hi everyone... - Fertility Network UK
Dhea and Ivf advice please

I sadly had my worst cycle with DHEA and it made my endo worse. I would use with caution if you have endo and thyroid issues. I have low ovarian reserve from when tested originally age 34. Now 36. First two cycles had 1 egg and 3 eggs but all fertilised and made great quality blasts. 3rd cycle with DHEA 3 eggs but only one made it to blast. Sadly all BFNs. I regret taking it especially as I worry endo being worse will affect future cycles
Sorry to be a downer on it but just want to give balanced view. I know many have had good results though.

Thanks for your reply. That's such a shame, hoping it would help!
Check your vitamin D , vitamin B12 ,zinc & magnesium levels .Low vitamin B 12 can cause infertility, miscarriages & endometriosis.
Would these not be picked up by the ivf bloods?
No mostDrs do not routinely check any vitamin levels as they are not trained in nutrition.10 yrs ago I crashed as a midwife I saw 17 Drs including 7 specialists to obtain a accurate diagnosis of a severe vit D & B12 deficiency.I am a fertility awareness educator only in last 5 yrs have I experienced the success with clients (women )treated with vit b12 & folate .Male Sperm can increase to 100 million with b12 supplements.Make sure serum B12 is over 500 pmol / l otherwise a deficiency exists.
Hi lovely,
I'm 39 too and have hypothyroidism and pcos so understand what it's like when you behave additional health issues to navigate on top of IVF. Are your thyroid hormone levels in a good place? My fertility clinic advised TSH to be under 2.5 for fertility treatment. There is also a lot of information on the Thyroid UK group on HealthUnlocked, although it did overwhelm me at times.
Wishing you all the best and lots of luck. Xx