Hi everyone, hope you're all staying strong.
I'm really hoping for reassurance that this BLOAT is normal!
I had my egg retrieval on June 7th. They retrieved 39 eggs and we've managed to freeze 15 embabies 🥰 obviously my risk of OHSS was extremely high so we had to take a 3 month break to allow 2 proper cycles to pass before we could prepare for FET. We are now waiting for day 21 before starting downregulation with suprecur.
Anyway, I am SO bloated, like it is not going down, I've obviously gained some weight since starting all of this (normal again, I hope?) but I am already looking 4 months pregnant with this tum I tell ya!
Has anybody else suffered extreme bloating? Should I be worried? Will it go down eventually?
Sending everyone positive vibes & baby dust ✨🩷