Obviously have asked Dr Google, but interested to know others’ implantation symptoms.
Would be too early to test (my period is expected 8 days from now), I’ve had no bleeding (I appreciate not everyone does), and no difference to my breasts in terms of pain or size. What I am having is twinges/pains a bit similar to period cramps, been a bit grumpy (my partner might say this is normal 🤣), headaches, tiredness and change of discharge.
I’m trying to be a hopeful realist and completely appreciate everyone is different, and the only way to know for sure would be a test when I can, but if anyone feels up to sharing your implantation symptoms, I’d be grateful.
We have been trying naturally for 3 years on/off and trying to sort financing for IVF if not pregnant in next 3 months. I’ve never had these “symptoms” before.
if it’s wind I’ll be annoyed 🤣🤣😬
hope all are well/coping.