Update on my current situation:
I have 11 embryos on day 5 yet to reach blastocyst size. They are nurturing them and will update me again tomorrow.
I had 3 embryos that were ready for transfer. Annoyingly my clinic uses a different grading system. Two of mine were B+B+ and one was B-B+. Anyways, the embryologist called me this morning to ask me if I wanted 1 or two transferring. I was shocked as I haven’t had any failures yet and our infertility is male factor. I didn’t think they generally transferred two. She said I just about made it into the bracket where they offer to transfer two but that my embryos were all good enough and that it’s very much optional. Anyway, I told her I needed 10 minutes to think. I had a google and opted for one of the embryos to be transferred, the other two are being frozen. The transfer went according to plan.
Hopefully tomorrow they will update me with news of more good blastocysts. I found the question about transferring two a hard one to make but I thought I would rather mess up and this not work this time and just try again than have twins and things go horribly wrong for me or either of the babies. It felt like the right decision but obviously it’s hard to know 😬. If only I could predict the future!