I’m prepping for FET (transfer next week) and last night I drank half a glass of champagne. I was in a situation where it was impossible to say no due to social pressures and now I feel really guilty that I’ve jeopardised my chances of success. My hope is that because my embryos are safely in the freezer it won’t make a big difference. I had lots of water and a big meal with it too. Just looking for reassurance really!!
FET - have I ruined my chance of succ... - Fertility Network UK
FET - have I ruined my chance of success?

I really would try not to dwell on this. Some people adopt the approach that they’ll have an odd drink until the embryo has been put in. I just don’t think half glass of fizz is going to be the deciding factor. We just try and control everything we can but maybe that’s just what needed to happen that night. Focus on positive thoughts if you can - that would be my advice. Good luck 💗
I really wouldn’t worry, the embryo has already been made and it is not yet back in! Best of luck 💕 I hope the next 9 months will be alcohol free for happy reasons x
I had alcohol during work up to FET before transfer. All well so far at 5w5d pregnancy 🤞
you are fine! Try and ease your mind - there's far too much pressure on the woman that we can control the outcome, when that's most often not the case. Half a glass of champagne is nothing - don't beat yourself up and look forward to your transfer next week.
I'm not a big drinker but before my transfer in Spain I was out with my husband a fair bit and I had sips of drinks and wine across the time period before the transfer. I'm 32 weeks this week
I had at least one glass of wine the night before my FET and my daughter is 4 months old! Good luck! x
absolutely not. One week before our transfer we had my husbands 30th birthday party. I drank a fair bit (after many years and cycles teetotal and no success) and our transfer was successful! Don’t even think about it, a stress you honestly don’t need ☺️
Please do not spend another second thinking about it! How many babies were born on drunken nights out? How many mums keep drinking without knowing they’re pregnant… don’t be hard on yourself.
absolutely not a problem whatsoever! Your embryo is safely made and even if you did get pregnant next week any trace of alcohol will be completely gone and the placenta doesn’t kick in until week 8 anyway where it’s an issue. You never know that might be the last wee sip of champagne for a long time and might just have gave you some endorphins to help the process🤗💜 the FET that worked for me I had a massive blow out a few weeks before (didn’t realise the clinic was going to open again so soon after covid shutdown) after loads of t-total tries so in my case it actually did the opposite and that’s the time that worked (obvs not to be recommended tho 🤣) good luck and defo don’t worry about a half glass of champagne 🤞🏽 xx
I drink right up until the embryo was put back in (at wedding the night before! And a 40th bday the night before that!! - and I drank a lot more than half a glass!!!) I'm Currently 5 weeks! I've done transfers where I've not drank anything, and all haven't been successful! Relax! People get pregnant all the time without knowing and have usually drunk though the first few weeks!!!! Good luck for your transfer xx